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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Day Party, Sunday Jan 1, 2012, 1pm

Argonne International Folk Dancers New Years Day Party:

Date: Sunday, January 1, 2012
Time: 1:00pm-6:00pm, potluck meal around 3:00pm
Place: St. Paul's UCC Fellowship Hall
Address: 5739 Dunham Rd., Downers Grove, IL
Requested Donation: $3+ Potluck dish to share

Click on image below to for flyers to print.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

EDC New Years Eve Party

Ethnic Dance Chicago
New Years Eve Pot Luck Dinner and Dance Party
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Dinner - 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Dance Party - 8:30pm – Until
Dinner + Party - $15.00/person ($10.00/Students-Kids Under 12)
(With Food Contribution  - Late fee after 12/24/2011)
Party Only - $20.00/person ($13.00/Students-Kids Under 12)
(Without Food Contribution – Late fee after 12/24/2011)
Chicago Latvian Community Center
4146 N Elston Ave - Chicago, IL 60618 NW corner of Elston (NW Diag) & Hamlin (3800W) - Enter on Hamlin
Theme: Come dressed as a dance! Prizes awarded for imagination and creativity! Bring a gift for a grab bag!
Click here for registration form

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday folk dance schedule at Fermilab

Received from Mady:

    Dec.. 15 – no dancing (because we need to rehearse for our Museum of Science and Industry performance – come see some of us do Welsh dances to live music this Saturday at 11 a.m. on their Christmas Around the World stage.)

    Dec.. 22 – Holiday Party # 1 – we are expecting some out of town guests and old friends and a special dance treat, in addition to some special holiday dances.

     Dec.. 29 – no dancing, but.......
     Dec. 30 – (Friday, not Thursday) Holiday Party #2  -  We hope to see some of you who can’t always make it during the rest of the year, but might have a chance to visit during the holidays!

Times are always 7:30  to 10 p.m., though we can linger later at the Barn if we’d like.

There are also other International dance holiday parties taking place in the area (thanks to Harry for the list):

    Dec.. 19   Evanston Monday Night Folkdancers’ “Out of the Woodwork” Solstice Party, 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.  Lake Street Church of Evanston, 607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue, Evanston.

     Dec.. 21   Skokie International Folkdance Party, 8 – 10 p.m., Weber Center, Skokie

    Dec.. 27    Milwaukee Holiday Party "Holiday Glow" with live music with Izvor Orchestra, 7-9:45 p.m., Hart Park, Wauwatosa wfdp.webs.com/southeastwisconsin.htm

    Dec.. 31   Ethnic Dance Chicago New Year's Eve Potluck and Party  7 p.m. Dinner, 8 p.m. Party, 4146 N Elston Ave, Chicago www.ethnicdance.net

    Dec.. 31   Racine New Year's Eve Party "Hawaiian Colors" 8-12 p.m., Women's Club of Racine, 740 Lake Ave, Racine  262-412-3354

    Jan. 1  Argonne New Year's Day Potluck Feast and Dance  1-6p.m., St Paul's United Church of Christ, 5739 Dunham Road (corner of Dunham & Jefferson), Downers Grove, argonneifd.blogspot.com

For those of you who do other kinds of dancing at Fermilab, we’ve just decided that there will be Scottish country dancing with out a break. The Silk and Thistle Holiday Party is Dec.. 20, but there will also be dancing Dec.. 27 and Jan. 3 to prepare for the New Year’s Ball coming up Jan. 7 and 8.

Likewise, Fermilab English country dancing will meet as usual on the first Sunday of the month, which is New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, beginning with a brunch at noon and then an afternoon of going over dances for the New Year’s Ball. Dances for the Ball will also be the material for the festive session of English dancing coming up at the Nineteenth Century Club in Oak Park the evening of Dec.. 19.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Evanston "Out of the Woodwork" Dec 19

EMNFD Out of the Wood Work Dance Party
December 19, 2011 7:30PM till 10:30PM
December Birthdays!  Dance and Eat Cake
in the gym at the Lake Street Church** in Evanston, IL.
NW corner of Lake and Chicago Ave.  Enter through courtyard just north of church.
Admission is $5 - (Children under 12 - Free!)

December Birthdays!  Dance and Eat Cake
December Birthdays!  Dance and Eat Cake

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Muriel Anderson concert, Downers Grove Sat. Nov 26

Muriel Anderson
20th Annual After Thanksgiving Concert
With special guests Tierra Negra from Germany &
 bass superstar Victor Wooten!
Saturday  Nov 26, 2011
Downers Grove North High School auditorium,
4436 N Main St., Downers Grove, IL

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Milwaukee Holiday Folk Fair Nov. 18-20

November 18 - 20, 2011
Wisconsin Exposition Center
at Wisconsin State Fair Park
8200 West Greenfield Avenue
West Allis, Wisconsin 53214
Tel: 414-727-8840
Friday: 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sad news: Charlie Stevens

We were saddened to receive the following from Dorothy:
Just to let you and the other folk dancers know that Charlie died on Wednesday September 28.
I want you to know that he held you all in high esteem and dancing and folk music was an integral part of his life.
There will be a memorial / celebration of his life on November 6 at 3:00 at the DuPage UU Church,
1828 Old Naperville Rd., Naperville, Il 60540

There's a nice write-up of his life here:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Regional Folk Dance Potluck in Evanston, Sat. Nov 5

Received from Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers:


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th   6-10:30 P.M.

$ 3 to help cover the room rental        Carpooling a good idea! 

at our regular dance venue:  Lake Street Church of Evanston, IL

corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue ( 607 Lake Street)

……enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue

* Bring a dish to share… festive dress would be fun…

Friday, November 4, 2011

Not meeting in Downers Grove Fri Nov 4

We will not be meeting to dance in Downers Grove on Friday, Nov. 4, because the church will be busy setting up for their craft show & book sale that weekend.  You can get your dancing that weekend on Saturday, Nov. 5, in Evanston, at the Regional Potluck

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sad News: Phyllis Spiegel

Phyllis didn't dance with the Argonne group, but many of you may know her from Lake Geneva/Oconomowoc camp.  Here is her obituary.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Waltz Workshop with Jeanette Watts, Oct. 22 at Fermilab, and other upcoming dance events

Received from Mady:

Lots of fun dance events coming up, in addition to the late October Halloween fun.

Fermilab’s dance groups are sponsoring a special full-day and evening Waltz Workshop with Jeanette Watts on Saturday, October 22, at Fermilab’s Kuhn Village Barn.  Jeanette will be teaching Cross-Step Waltz and its variations as well as Mazurka Waltz . You can check out the former in this classic video by Richard Powers (one of Jeanette’s teachers)
and Mazurka Waltz is shown in the following

Details are on the flyer at http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkdance/WaltzWorkshop.pdf
There will be 3 workshops during the day (at 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.) and an evening Waltz party with some live music by Old Fezziwig’s Band in the evening. Workshops are $10 each, or there is a full-day-plus-evening price of $30.

The flyer doesn’t mention it, but I think  we’ll plan a potluck supper to go between the afternoon workshops and evening party. There is refrigeration in the Barn, and a place to plug in appliances, but no real kitchen.

Jeanette will also teach a workshop on the Basics of Bellydance on Sunday, Oct. 23, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. That will be held on the stage at Fermilab’s Ramsey Auditorium in the Wilson Hall high-rise (where international and Scottish dancing is held in the summer).

I’m too modest to advertise the weekend *I* am calling and teaching this coming weekend, Oct.14 - 15, but I can forward on this mention from Sue Hanson of Urbana:
“If you are a dance gypsy and don't mind last minute plans …. this weekend of traditional
dance sounds like a good one.
They will have American, Folk, and English. Mady Newfield, our folk dance
instructor for Marchfest, will be teaching English and International. Dale
Schreiber will teach Old Time Contra Squares and Rounds. There will be live
music by the Cosmic Otters (English/American) and Do Zore (International).

11TH ANNUAL Fairwater I.F.D Weekend
October 14 - 15 weekend
Fairwater, Wisconsin
Info at  


And from Dan Garvin in Minneapolis, another reminder about the Oct. 28 – 30 weekend with Kete Ilievski teaching Macedonian dance at Tapestry.

“There is still time to take advantage of the early bird weekend package discount for Tapestry Folkdance Center's Fall Workshop with Kete Ilievski.  The weekend package price is $55 for Tapestry members or $65 for non-members if your registration is postmarked no later than 10/14/11.  This covers all four teaching sessions and the Saturday night dance party. 

After the 14th, both prices increase by $15 -- still a savings compared to paying for each event separately. “


That same weekend, Oct 28 – 30, there is a Swedish dance weekend at Folklore Village with Roo Lester.  http://folklorevillage.org/t2/calendar#Fall Swedish
 Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers will  host noted Bulgarian dance teacher, Daniela Ivanova, on Monday, Oct. 17., at their usual location , the Lake Street Church of Evanston, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m.

Evanston is also planning a Potluck Dinner and Dance for Saturday, Nov. 5.
And don’t forget Halloween parties – at Fermilab we’ll celebrate the holiday with a Tuesday 10/25 Scottish dance party, a Thursday 10/27 international dance party, and English country dancing with live music by Old Fezziwig’s Band on Sunday 10/30. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Daniela Ivanova at EMNFD, Evanston, IL, Mon. Oct. 17

Received from Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers:
Monday October 17
Bulgarian Dances with Daniela Ivanova 
daniela ivanova 
at Lake Street Church of Evanston
607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue
enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue
7:30-10:30 p.m.        Only $5.00
Dani is a dance researcher, choreographer, singer, and poet. She was with us in 2006 and 2009 for memorable evenings.  See her bio. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Oconomowoc 2011 Video clips

Back from Oconomowoc camp, where a good time was had by all.  As promised, here are video clips of the dances.  Sorry for the delay, I had to figure out how to shorten some of them so that they'd be accepted for upload.

Update 9/19/2017: videos also available in youtube playlist:

Carnaval de Lantz

Romanian Club Life

Bou Nashir L'Eretz Yafa

Debarska Svadba

Brass Band Dances (3)

Dar Gorani

Domino 5

Maple Leaf Stomp

Reel of the 51st Division

Turning by Threes

Tokyo Polka

Friday, September 23, 2011

Not dancing in Downers Grove Fri Sept 23

Because many of us will be away at the Oconomowoc Dance Weekend,  we won't be meeting to dance in Downers grove on Friday Sept. 23.  We should have some nice new dances to share the next Friday.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Scandinavian Day - Sept. 11, Vasa Park, South Elgin IL

Scandinavian Day
at VASA PARK, Route 31, South Elgin, Illinois
(7 Miles South of I-90 Northwest Tollway & 5 Miles North of IL Rt. 64 North Ave.)
Sunday, September 11th, 2011 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

DONATION: Adults $10.00
Children 12 & Under FREE

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Upcoming Chicago-area Balkan events

Received from Balkanske Igri:
Dear Friends,  

Lots of great Balkan music and dance events coming up.  Below is a partial list.  If you have questions about any of the events, please contact balkanske_igre@yahoo.com  

Guca 1st Trumpet (Prva Truba) winner Bozidar Nikolic-"Donja" Brass Band 8/26-6pm to midnight, 8/27-noon to 10pm, 8/28-noon to 9pm St Simeon, 114th & Avenue H, Chicago.  Also, Milos Djordjevic, Grupa "Trezor", Nocna Smena, - DJ Manijak, DJ Spaz, Nesa Kastelo, Dragan Negovanovic.  Kitchen will be serving roast lamb and pork. --------------------------------------------------------------
SummerDance, 9/8/2011, 6-10:30pm, Spirit of Music Gardens, 601 S Michigan Ave, Chicago.  FREE. Dance instruction by Balkanski igri; music by Grupa Legenda (Macedonian).  Info:  balkanske_igre@yahoo.com

Rajko Hungarian Orchestra, September 11, 2011, Old Town School, Chgo
celebrating 200th Anniversary of composer Franz (Ferenc) Liszt
SummerDance/World Music Festival, 9/17/2011, 6-10:30pm, Spirit of Music Gardens, 601 S Michigan Ave, Chicago.  FREE. Dance instruction by Balkanski igri/Ethnic Dance Chgo; music by Bulgarika with Nikolay Kolev 

World Music Festival,  ESMA REDZEPOVA (Queen of Romani Music) & BAND, September 18, 2011, also Nicolae Feraru, cimbalom virtuoso, Lincoln & Fullerton, Chicago.  

Info:  balkanske_igre@yahoo.com

SUNDAYS, 1-3pm, Balkan Basics Dance Class & Ensemble Balkanski Igri rehearsal      sessions resuming 9/25/2011 Dance Center of Chicago, 3868 N Lincoln, 2nd Flr, Chicago, IL, featuring dances & music of all regions of the Balkans/E Europe      
***   No partners or experience needed   ***      
***  All levels from beginner to expert welcome  
***  For more intormation about the above or Balkan/world music and dance in general, please contact:  balkanske_igre@yahoo.com         www.balkanskiigri.com

Balkan Orthodox Festival, October 8-9. 2011, St Mary Romanian Church -------------------------------------------------------------
Goran Bregovic, October 14, 2011, Symphony Center, Chicago, IL -------------------------------------------------------------
Teodosii Spassov, October 25, 2011, Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago
SPRING FESTIVAL, March 23-25, 2012  
International House, 1414 E 59th St, Chicago, I L 60637 (Hyde Park)

featuring the dance, music, & culture of the Balkans/Eastern Europe  Dance parties every evening with the best Balkan orchestras Concert Saturday evening with 10+ Balkan/E European dance and musical groups Workshops in dance, singing, and music Saturday & Sunday, 9am-5pm with top master teachers in Balkan/E European & Turkish dance. music, & songs including Martin Koenig, Atanas Kolarovski, Ahmet Luleci, Ventzi Sotriov, Chris Bajmakovich, Ljupco Milenkovski, James Stoyanoff, and others 

Info/Reservations: balkanske_igre@yahoo.com    
Balkanske Igre, PO Box 1157, Chicago, IL 60690        
www.balkanskiigri.com  Cosponsored by CEERES, Univ. oF Chicago International House, and Ensemble Balkanski Igri  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Roo's Scandi classes resume Sept. 25

Roo plans to resume her Sunday evening Scandinavian dance classes

SUNDAYS September 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23, November 6, 13, 20 December 2011 and Winter 2012 tba. . .
Basics/Beginners 6:00 ~ 7:00 PM Intermediate 7:15 ~ 8:30 PM
Fee per class $6.00 Social dance and practice time following classes
Location: Classes will be held at St. Luke Presbyterian Church3910 Highland Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515

Saturday, August 20, 2011

World Music Festival Chicago 2011, Sept. 15-22

Here's the link:

The schedule isn't up yet, they say it will be by early Sept.

Fox Valley Folk Music Festival, Sept 4-5, Geneva, IL

The 35th Annual Fox Valley Folk Music and Storytelling Festival
September 4 and 5, 2011
At Island Park, Geneva, IL

Festival Hours: -- Eight Stages Run From 11 AM to 6 PM Both Days.
Old-Time Community Barn Dance Sunday, 6-7:30pm

Oconomowoc Folk Dance Camp Sept 23-25,2011

Fall Dance Camp in Oconomowoc, sponsored by Lake Geneva Folk Dancers
Where: Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI) in Oconomowoc, WI
When: Sept. 23-25, 2011
Cost: $160/person if paid in full by Sept. 2 ($175 after September 2)
Registration form below, click on image to enlarge

Monday, August 1, 2011

Serbfest 2011

Serb Fest Chicago
Aug 4-7
Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
5701 Redwood Drive, Chicago, IL 60631,
773 -693-3367,
e-mail: contact@serbiancathedral.org
Serbfest 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Don Weeda Live Music: 7/14 at Fermilab, 7/15 in Downers Grove

This Friday (July 15) Don Weeda plans to join us and provide live music for dancing at Argonne Folk Dancing at St. Paul's UCC in Downer's Grove, at our usual 8pm meeting.  He has a great repertoire of our favorite folk dances, and we always enjoy his annual visit.  In an unfortunate coincidence, a theater group that has booked the Fellowship Hall where we usually dance this week, so we will instead be located in the classroom at the far end of the hall.  They would prefer if we use the entrance closer to that end of the building.

Also received from Mady:
We’ve got a special treat of live music by our accordionist friend Don Weeda at Fermilab International folk dancing this week, Thursday, July 14. We’re meeting in the cool of Ramsey Auditorium’s stage in the Fermilab high-rise Wilson Hall, 7:30 – 10 p.m.  Don comes up from Texas once a year to visit his mom, and we are so pleased to have him play for dancing, since his repertoire is vast, and his arrangements are always innovative!
Here's a youtube video of Don performing Jove Malaj Mome with the 1001 Nights Orchestra:

Friday, July 8, 2011

Chicago Folk & Roots Festival July 9-10 Welles Park

2011 Chicago Folk and Roots Festival
Saturday, July 9th, and Sunday, July 10th, noon-9:30pm
Welles Park - between Montrose and Sunnyside along Lincoln Avenue, directly across from the Sulzer Library.


Including the Megitza Quartet, an amalgam of folk music from Eastern Europe and the U.S. with a particular focus on traditional Polish highlander folk and Roma music.

Megitza Quartet brews a global blend of folk | WBEZ

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chicago Irish Fest July 8-10

July 8-10, 2011
Irish Fest
Irish-American Heritage Center
4626 N. Knox Ave.
Chicago, IL 60630

Chicago SummerDance July 7- Sept 18

Chicago SummerDance | Explore Chicago

Summerdance starts later this year, July 7. I don't see a schedule posted on their website yet, but Paul sent some e-mail with this information:
  • Ethnic Dance Chicago @ Chicago SummerDance
Update: schedule is posted.  There's also this event:

Bulgarika with Nikolay Kolev
Sep 17, 2011
Dance lessons by Balkanski Igri and Ethnic Dance Chicago and live music by Bulgarika with Nikolay Kolev, performing Bulgarian Folk music.

Here's the link for all "World music" events:

    Saturday, June 18, 2011

    Ellen's Memorial Tree + Plaque at the Naperville Riverwalk

    The Naperville Park District finally received the memorial plaque for Ellen, and it's now in place by the tree, which is an Amelanchier .

    Thanks to all who donated, and especially to Rose for handling the collection and Jay for making the arrangements with the Park district.  Jay also put together a flyer with a map, in case you want directions to check it out in person:

    Here's a panorama of the location back in March when we picked it out, based on the recommendation from Ellen's friend Bonnie:

    And here's the spot now, with the tree and the plaque in place, and summer greenery:

    Door County Folk Festival July 6-10

    Door County Folk Festival
    Wed-Sun, July 6-10, 2011
    Sister Bay, Ephraim & Baileys Harbor, WI


    Taste of Chicago World Music Day Mon Jun 27

    Carlyn brought this to our attention:

    Taste of Chicago 2011: Musical Acts | FREE Admission

    Monday, June 27: World Music Day

    12 – 1 p.m.             Black Bear Combo (Balkan Brass)
    1:20 - 2:20 p.m.      Megitza Quartet (Polish Highlander)
    2:40 - 3:40 p.m.      Lamajamal (Gypsy Surf)
    4 – 5 p.m.               Mar Caribe (Tropical)
    5:20 - 6:20 p.m.      Mas Trueno (International) – “Martyr's Pick!”
    6:40 – 8 p.m.          Funkadesi (Latin/African/Indian)

    Romanian Heritage Festival Jun 18-19 Niles, IL

    June 18-19, 2011:

    Romanian Heritage Festival

    on the grounds of the Romanian Heritage Center
    within the commercial setting of A-American Flooring Plaza,
    at 7777 N. Caldwell Avenue in Niles, Illinois, 60714

    Friday, June 17, 2011

    Scottish Highland Games, June 17-18, Itasca, IL

    Highland Games Overview | Highland Games
    25th Annual Scottish Festival & Highland Games,
    June 17-18, 2011

    NEW LOCATION, Hamilton Lakes in Itasca, Illinois.
    Friday, June 17 from 4:00pm - 10:00pm and Saturday, June 18 from 8:00am - 9:00pm.

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    June Camp video clips

    Here are some short clips of some of the dances from June Camp:

    Arnautsko Horo
    Dobro Ljo
    Harmanlijska Racenica
    Kardamska Zborenka
    Krivo Panagjursko
    Laznicko Kolo
    Momino Horo - slow part
    Momino Horo - fast part
    Pach Pi
    Valle Zagorishte
    Valse Lucille
     Zensko Kapansko

    Friday, June 3, 2011

    Not dancing in Downers Grove Friday June 3

    Because of the June Camp weekend in Beloit we will not be meeting to dance in Downers Grove on Friday June 3.  We plan to dance the Friday before (Memorial Day weekend) as usual, and the Friday after (June 10) we should have some newly-learned dances to practice and share.

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    2011 Festival Guide - chicagotribune.com

    Here's the link to the Chicago Tribune summer festival guide for 2011:

    Chicago events - chicagotribune.com

    A number of them are ethnic/cultural/dance-related

    Saturday, May 7, 2011

    Pride of Canada soon in Chicago STV-USA

    Academy of Serbian Folk Dancing "Pride of Canada, Soul of Serbia" Concert

    Pride of Canada soon in Chicago STV-USA

    May 21, 2011, 7:30pm at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church, 5701 N. Redwood Dr, Chicago

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    2011 Music Without Borders Thursdays Jun 9 thru July 21

    Music Without Borders | Millennium Park | Explore Chicago

    Presented by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events, in partnership with the Chicago Office of Tourism and Culture, the series will include seven double-bill concerts on Thursday nights beginning June 9 through July 21, 2011, featuring traditional, folk and pop artists from around the globe. All concerts begin at 6:30 p.m.

    Monday, April 11, 2011

    Sorting algorithms as dances

    Sorting algorithms as dances

    If you're not a computer programmer, you can just enjoy the videos in this article (link above) for the music & dance. But if you ever took CS 101, you'll get an extra kick out of it.

    Sunday, April 10, 2011

    Not dancing in Downers Grove Friday April 15

    Because we'll be dancing all afternoon the next day at the Stone Soup Party we decided not to hold the regular Friday dancing the night before.  So you have extra time to cook for the potluck or work on your taxes...

    Stone Soup Potluck + Dance Saturday April 16 Downers Grove, IL

    Argonne International Folk Dance
    Stone Soup Party
    Date: Saturday, April 16, 2011
    Time: 1:00pm-6:00pm, potluck meal around 3:00pm
    Place: St. Paul's UCC Fellowship Hall
    Address: 5739 Dunham Rd., Downers Grove, IL
    Req. Donation: $3 + Potluck dish to share
    More Info: lindaandjay@comcast.net
    In order to spend more time dancing and less time cooking during the party, the soups will be made ahead.  Please let us know if you'd like to volunteer to provide one of the soups.

    Click on flyer image and print if you need more flyers:

    Oak Park/River Forest Folk Dance Potluck Wed Apr 27

    Oak Park/River Forest Folkdancers
    Potluck supper
    Wednesday April 27, 2011
    Christ Episcopal Church
    515 Franklin, River Forest, IL
    Bring a dish to serve 8.  Refrigerator, microwave, and stove available.

    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    Lasmagi Djasmagi Kyucheck translation & youtube video

    The second post on this blog when I started it back in 2007 was about Lasmagi Djasmagi Kyucheck which Susan had listened to over and over and phonetically transcribed.  It's still one of our favorites, and Roo had some friends in Ohio translate it - click on the scan below to enlarge it.  Also found this music video for it on youtube:

    EMNFD: Mon 3/28 Ahmet Luleci, Sat 4/30 Orkestar Sloboda



    Folk Dance Party Saturday April 30th 6:30-10 PM with live music by ORKESTAR SLOBODA

    Mori Cupi Kosturcanki - the tune Tom was remembering

    Update: Turns out there's more than one dance to this music, and Tom meant this other one:

    Found it!

    Also found this description:

    And this dance video:

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

    Balkanske Igre Spring Festival Mar 25-27, 2011 U of Chgo

    46th Spring Festival
    March 25-27, 2011
    International House, 1414 E 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
    Dance and Music of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean including workshops, concerts, parties and culture sessions

    Details here:
    Chicago Dance Ensemble Balkanske Igre - Home- News and Announcements

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Fermilab Folk Dance Special Events e-mail

    Received from Mady:


    Happy March! 
    Happy St. David’s Day (the Welsh holiday)!  
    Chestite Baba Marta (the Bulgarian holiday)!
    Happy International Women’s Day!
    Happy Mardi Gras!
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    We’re holding a Mardi Gras Potluck at Fermilab international folk dancing this Thursday, March 3, in conjunction with the NALWO (Fermilab Women’s Organization). Bring a dish of food to share and come to Kuhn Village Barn around 5:30 p.m. to eat, then stay for dancing. All ages are welcome. We’ll supply beverages and tableware. Costumes and masks for the holiday are also welcome, and encouraged.

    And don’t miss a few Irish dances at our usual meeting on March 17th.

    Fermilab Internatioanl Folk Dancing is also holding another very special event this month: a workshop with Ahmet Lüleci, a world-renowned teacher of Turkish dance, on Thursday, March 24, 7:30 p.m. at the Barn.
    For this workshop we suggest a donation of $8 for adults, $4 for students. Ahmet will have CDs and DVDs for sale.

    Ahmet will also be teaching at the Balkanske Igre Spring Festival in Chicago --along with Atanas Kolarovski (Macedonian) and Ventzi Sotirov, Bulgarian – Friday – Sunday, March 25 – 27 (details at www.balkanskeigre.org/), and also at the Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers on March 28 (www.evanstonfolkdance.org).

    Also coming up in March:
    March 18 – 20, Urbana’s Marchfest dance weekend, with contra, English and international dance www.centralillinoisecd.org/weekend
    Scottish Ball in Madison, WI, March 19
    Regency Exhibition Ball in South Bend, IN, March 26
    Civil War Ball in Milwaukee, March 5
    But those are for my other lists.  This message is going to my “international folk dance list”.  Let me know if you need more information.

    Happy dancing, and here’s to March holidays!

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Neighborhoods of the World at Navy Pier, Chicago

    Neighborhoods of the World at Navy Pier

    Sundays, February 6 — April 3, 2011
    12:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.
    Navy Pier's Crystal Gardens
    Free Admission, All Ages
    music, dance, colorful costumes, authentic cuisine, and local vendors selling folk arts.

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    EMNFD: Special Events E-mail

    Received from Harry:

    logo_edc-smaller  Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers
    Special events this weekend

    Univ of Chicago Folk Festival

    Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E 59th St, Chicago
    dance workshops Saturday and Sunday 10:30-4:30
    Scandi, Irish, Cajun, English, Welsh, Klezmer, Barn


    International Evening
    at St. Sava Serbian Cathedral

    3201 S 51st St, Milwaukee 
    Saturday 5:00pm-12:30am
    performances by Milwaukee ethnic dance groups
    dancing with Orkestar Sloboda
    more info 
    and at EMNFD on Monday February 14
    Valentine's Day and
    Chinese New Year Party
    Wear red !
    birthdays Celebrate February Birthdays birthdays   
    And of course the annual EMNFD 10-minute meeting

    with the exciting annual survey results!

    Lake Street Church of Evanston
    607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue
    enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue
      Only $5.00

    Save the dates for EMNFD events:
    3/7 Mardi Gras
    3/28 Turkish Dancing with Ahmet Lüleci 
    4/30 Saturday night party with Orkestar Sloboda  

    Other regional folkdance events: 
    3/25-27 Balkanske Igre Spring Festival  at University of Chicago International House
    dance: Atanas Kolarovski, Ahmet Lüleci, Ventzi Sotirov
    music: Jim Stoyanoff, Chris Bajmakovich, Ljupco Milenkovski
    and more!

    Think Global - Dance Local!
    Find us on the Web at www.evanstonfolkdance.org
    Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    English Country Dancing - Oak Park 19th Century Club Tues Feb 8 + Apr 12

    English Country Dancing - The Nineteenth Century Club - Event Details
    Tuesday, February 8, and Tuesday, April 12, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association will sponsor English Country Dances. Admission will be $8 per person, with all proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund.

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    Marchfest: Traditional Dance & Music Weekend - Urbana, IL Mar 18-20

    Marchfest: Traditional Dance & Music Weekend

    UIUC ILLINI UNION, 1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL
    Featuring the talents of
    Tom Senior
    Jo Mortland
    Chicory/Ragged Robin

    Including these workshops, as well as many others:
    Dances from French-speaking Countries Leader: Mady Newfield
    Klezmer Music, Yiddish Dancing Leader: Mitch Harris  Band: Don't Ask

    Click here for flyer 

    Chicago Winter Dance: Pritzker Pavilion, February weekends

    Chicago Winter Dance: Dancing

    February 5 - 27: Saturdays & Sundays
    Session I: Lessons 1 - 2 pm; Open dancing 2 - 3:30 pm
    Session II: Lessons 5 - 6 pm; Open dancing 6 - 7:30 pm

    Millennium Park, Jay Pritzker Pavilion
    201 E. Randolph St.
    Chicago, IL 60602

    University of Chicago Folk Festival - Feb 11-13


    The schedule includes a number of dance workshops, including Scandinavian, Irish, English, Welsh, Cajun, Klezmer, and barn dancing.

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    A hot dance scene

    From Eric Zorn's "Change of Subject" Tribune blog:

    A hot dance scene: "
    I was writing to a friend this morning trying to persuade her of the charms of English country dancing and I found this illustrative clip from the 2009 adaptation of Jane Austen's 'Emma.' You may not find this as enticing as I do, but check it out:


    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Columbus Folk Dancers - Lee Otterholt workshop Feb 25-27

    Columbus Folk Dancers End-of-February workshop

    Received from Leslie in Columbus:

    Please spread the word to your folk dance group about the Columbus
    (Ohio) Folk Dancers' end-of-February workshop. I don't reallly expect
    anyone to come from that far away, but I figure it can't hurt to let
    people know -- e-mail's cheap!

    Dates: February 25-27, 2011. Teacher: Lee Otterholt. Theme: "Balkan
    and Beyond" (mostly Balkan, probably including Greek, Romanian and



    Lee will also teach a "preview" workshop at CFD on Wednesday,
    February 23, 7-10 p.m., admission (pay at the door) is $5 for CFD
    members, $10 for non-members.

    He'll be teaching at the Miami Valley Folk Dancers' regular dance
    night in Dayton on February 24 as well. Information should be
    available soon on MVFD's website, http://www.daytonfolkdance.com/mvfd.

    Tuesday, January 4, 2011

    Sad News: Ellen Johnson

    We're very sad to convey the news of Ellen Johnson's sudden passing. She had a stroke (the first notice we received said heart attack) on the airplane while flying to Southeast Asia on vacation Dec. 28, two days after her 69th birthday. The plane delivered her to Vladivostok, made an emergency landing Russia. One of her sons was able to fly there to be with her before she died in the hospital in Khabarovsk (Siberia) on Jan. 2, 2011, without regaining consciousness.

    Ellen danced with us for many years, and will be sorely missed.

    There will be a memorial service on Saturday, January 22, 2011, at 2:00pm, at the Dupage Unitarian Universalist Church, 4 S 535 Old Naperville Rd, Naperville, IL 60563.

    Obituary in Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette 

    Obituary in Naperville Sun

    One of Ellen's favorite dances:
    Share Gori more by Zeljko Sasic

    Monday, January 3, 2011

    Madison, WI Folkball Januay 21-21, 2011

    Madison Folkball 

                     Madison's 23rd annual
                   FOLK  BALL  FESTIVAL
                       January 21-23, 2011
     Memorial Union (800 Langdon Street, Madison WI)
                   featuring   AHMET LULECI
                 presenting folk dances of Turkey

    Sunday, January 2, 2011

    Potluck recipe - Spicy Chickpea Potato Stew

    Mike asked about recipes from the dishes at the New Years Day Potluck.  Here's the recipe for the Spicy Chickpea Potato stew we brought.  Clipped out of the Chicago Tribune (I think) many years ago.