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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Playlist from Mar 27 virtual Zoom folk dance

Below are the dances that were played in our Zoom Friday night session, all by request. 

Lesnoto - NAMA Medley
Ali Pasa
Jovano Jovanke
Cine are noroc are
Valle Pogonishte
Sweet Girl - Siroon Agcheek
W Moim Orgrodecku
Love A Rainy Night
Osman Aga
Ajde Jano (Talitha Mackenzie)
For A Birthday
Ma Navu
Mori Shej, Sabina
New York New York
Baztan Dantza
Above the Rainbow
Sadi Moma
Le Maitre de la Maison
Koga Me Mama Rodila

Friday, March 27, 2020

Virtual dance sessions

UPDATE: This post is being retired and will no longer be kept up-to-date.  See the new post for 2021 updates:  https://argonneifd.blogspot.com/2021/01/2021-virtual-dance-sessions.html

While we can't meet in person, we've started holding virtual dance sessions on Friday evenings using Zoom.  Contact us for instructions on how to join.  All folk dancers are welcome, but we don't want to post the meeting access info on public blogs such as this where potentially hackers could find it.  Apparently with the widespread use of Zoom in these social-distancing times, there have been some problems with hackers breaking into zoom meetings and disrupting them, as mentioned in this article https://www.wired.com/story/tips-for-using-zoom/

UPDATE: As of April 5, Zoom has started requiring passwords.  So be sure you check the most recent email reminder for the current meeting ID and password.

UPDATE: As more and more people use Zoom, more and more security and privacy issues are being uncovered and or publicized.  Users beware.

Other Chicago area groups are also holding virtual dance sessions, including the Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers, Dit's Skokie group that meets on Wednesdays, and the Ethnic Dance Chicago group that meets on Friday.  Contact them for joining info - contact info should be available in the Chicago area Folk Dance Scene listing, or on the group websites:

http://ethnicdance.net/ http://virtualdanceroom.net/

Beyond our area, here are some other virtual folk dance sessions (recent updates highlighted in red, past events will be erased and new added on an ongoing basis, check back periodically for updates):

UPDATE: Sat Jan 9, 2021: Folk Arts Center of New England  online Bulgarian Dance Workshop with Gergana Panova http://www.facone.org/programs/online-events-gergana-panova-2.html

UPDATE: Jan 15-16, 2021: Zlatne Uste Golden Festival Online 2021 https://goldenfest.org/ 

UPDATE: Jan 22-24, 2021 Stockton Folk Dance Camp Winter Weekend online http://www.folkdancecamp.org/all-about-january-2021-virtual-camp

UPDATE: Fri Feb 12, 2021 Re-scheduled virtual DCFF, Mardi Gras Edition http://virtualdanceroom.net/ 

UPDATE:  Sat Feb 13, 2021 Mainewoods Winter E-vent https://daleadamson.com/2020/12/02/mainewoods-winter-e-vent-feb-13/

UPDATE: Apr 7-11, 2021 National Folk Organization Annual Conference on Zoom.  We will be participating in the NFO Friday Apr 9 party instead of our usual Zoom session.  http://nfo-usa.org/annual-conference/ 

UPDATE: Balkan Fest Montreal Online videos https://balkanfestmontreal.org/

UPDATE: Tuesdays, Mladost Folk Dancers Zoom Sessions, taught by Andy Taylor-Blenis and guest teachers https://www.mladostfolk.com/mladost-community-dance

UPDATE: Roberto Bagnoli  Tues Israeli & Wed Balkan Dances  http://morenu.it/

UPDATE: East European Folklife Center  Online class schedule: https://eefc.org/online-classes/

UPDATE: Ira Weisburd is now doing virtual dances live on youtube https://daleadamson.com/2020/09/29/dance-workshops-with-ira-weisburd-now-on-youtube-live/

UPDATE: Chicago Israeli Dancing Global - Virtual:  http://www.chicagoisraelidancing.com/  7:30pm CDT Thurs

UPDATE:  Chicago Israeli Dancing Beginners Virtual  7pm CDT Tues

UPDATE: List of lots of Israeli virtual dance sessions around the world:  http://nirkoda.com/virtual

UPDATE: Omaha Intl Folk Dance has Virtual sessions on Sundays, https://daleadamson.com/2020/06/09/virtual-omaha-international-folk-dancers/

UPDATE: San Antonio Folk Dancers  Zoom Folk Dancing Tuesdays 7pm CDT https://sanantoniofolkdancers.org/

UPDATE: Tapestry Folk Dance in Minneapolis is doing virtual folk dance sessions Wednesday Afternoons, 3:00 - 4:30 pm, Friday Nights, 7:30 - 9:30 pm  https://www.tapestryfolkdance.org

UPDATE: Country Dance & Song Society ECD events https://www.facebook.com/pg/HistoricalTeaAndDanceSociety/events/

UPDATE: Madison  Folk Dance Unlimited Zoom Folk Dancing Tuesdays 7pm CDT https://daleadamson.com/2020/06/07/madison-folk-dance-unlimited-on-tuesdays/ 

UPDATE: Tuesday Night Revival Balkan Dancing a series of virtual dances every three weeks at 8 pm EDT on Saturday night https://tuesdaynightrevival.com/

UPDATE: Here are some other sites that are collecting info on virtual dance sessions, you can check them for updates, too:
Events - Veselo Folk Dancers
Dale Adamson – Virtual Dance Events Calendar
virtualdanceroom.net Other Virtual Dance Sessions

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

ECD Dance Pandemic

A friend from Urbana shared this link that was shared on the CIECD mailing list:

L'homme Qui Marche

There's a blog called "Folk Dance Musings"  that posts information about international folk dances.  A recent post was about "L'homme Qui Marche" from which I learned that the music is by the French bal folk group "Au gré des Vents", on an album called "Le Colporteur". I found the links by googling the band/album information in the blog.  You can stream the music from the album link, there are a lot of nice tracks, with the associated dance type given, in addition to L'Homme Qui Marche, and it appears that the music is available for download because the CD is no longer available or sale.   http://www.carnetdebal.org/albums/le-colporteur/15-album-le-colporteur-l-homme-qui-marche.mp3

Saturday, March 14, 2020

UPDATE: ***NOT*** Meeting as usual

The decision has been taken out of our well-washed and sanitized hands -- St Paul's has requested that groups not meet there for the next couple of weeks, so we will *NOT* be meeting on Friday nights until further notice.  We got the following e-mail from St Paul's:

I'm reaching out to all the groups at St. Paul's.  We're canceling worship services for the next two weeks and trying to shut the building down as much as possible.  Many of our usual groups have already canceled their meetings, and our church council has asked me to request that everyone stops meeting at the church for at least the next couple of weeks.  We're taking it one day at a time and will be reevaluating soon.  Thank you so much.
 Better safe than sorry.  Last night we only had 6 people, and danced without holding hands - the only touching was to pet Mollie (the dog; I've heard that dogs don't get coronavirus 🐶).

UPDATE: I received a reponse that said

About dogs...I understand that dogs and cats have both actually been detected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. Although they don't get the disease, they can still pass the virus on, especially if they lick you in the face.
Here's what the CDC website says:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#animals
and the American Vetrinary Medical Association: https://

We will let you know when we can start up again.  Stay well, everyone!  #flattenthecurve

p.s. Happy Pi Day!

We've had some questions about whether we're going to continue meeting, given concerns about COVID-19.  We do plan to meet as usual as long as enough people are healthy and want to come, and as long as guidance from the CDC and local health departments doesn't change.   As of this morning (Mar 11, 2020), they were reporting only 19 cases in IL of which 2 were in Kane Co, none in Dupage as yet.

Please do not come if you aren't feeling well, may have been exposed, or are at risk due to age or other health conditions, or would just feel better playing it safe.  Since part of the recommended practice is to avoid shaking hands, it might be wise to dance individually, rather than holding hands...

We received the following from St Paul's:
To all groups meeting at St. Paul's United Church of Christ:

Our church council asked me to reach out to everyone who meets at St.
Paul's regarding COVID-19.  We will do everything possible to prevent
the spread of the virus in our building and we ask for your help should
you continue to meet here.  We have a cleaning service twice a week, but
they do not necessarily disinfect every surface that might be touched. 
We are trying to wipe down commonly touched surfaces like door handles
and stair railings every day.  We ask that when you meet at the church,
you please wipe down surfaces that you have used.  We have wipes and
Clorox spray on our kitchen counter and wipes in the large classroom and
in the preschool room on the lower level.

We are practicing the recommended practices of staying home when sick,
washing hands frequently for 20 seconds, coughing and sneezing into a
tissue (ideally) or the crook of your elbow, avoiding sick people, and
refraining from shaking hands, etc.

We want to protect you, your group members, and the members of St.
Paul's.  We truly appreciate your help.
 We'll bring hand sanitizer, and appreciate help wiping down handrails, etc.  Hopefully things will have settled down before Stone Soup April 18.

A peek at our future

Thanks to Susan for coming across this video.  Given how many of us fall into the high-risk age bracket for coronavirus, here's something to watch while we can't meet for dancing

Friday, March 13, 2020

CANCELLED: Balkanske Igre Spring Fest Mar 20-22 Univ of Chgo


Balkanske Igre  https://www.balkanskiigri.com/  
55th Anniversary Spring Festival
Friday, 7pm, Balkanika Restaurant, 1414 E Oakton St, Des Plaines, IL 60018
Saturday, 9am to midnight, International House, 1414 E 59th St, Chicago
Sunday, 9am-5pm, Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E 59th St, Chicago

 New Locations
·       Concert & Dance Party, March 21, 7pm, at Little Bulgarian Center, 832 Lee St, Des Plaines, IL. 
·       Workshops on Saturday & Sunday, March 21 & 22 9am-4pm, at Dance Studio D&B, 6069 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago.
à DO NOT GO to the International House on Saturday or Ida Noyes on Sunday.
·       Friday evening 7pm mini-workshop & party is unchanged and remains Balkanika Restaurant 1414 E Oakton Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018.  Reservations required.
·       Sunday evening, 7pm post-festival dinner and party is unchanged at Mehanata, 1141 Lee St, Des Plaines, IL 60016.  Reservations required.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

POSTPONED: Stone Soup Party Saturday April 18, 2020

Stone Soup 2005
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem wise to hold a gathering like this in the current conditions, even if the shelter-in-place order is lifted before then, which seems unlikely.  We hope to reschedule later in the year when gathering with lots of people, holding hands, and sharing food doesn't seem so dangerous.  Be well!

We've reserved the Fellowship Hall for our Stone Soup Party Saturday April 18, 2020 -- mark your calendar! Details below, flyers will be forthcoming later.

Argonne International Folk Dance Stone Soup Party
Date: Saturday, April 18, 2020
Time: 1:00pm-6:00pm, potluck meal around 3:00pm
Place: St. Paul's UCC Fellowship Hall
Address: 5739 Dunham Rd.,Downers Grove, IL
Requested Donation: $5 + Potluck dish to share.

 In order to spend more time dancing and less time cooking during the party, the soups will be made ahead. Please let us know if you can bring soup.