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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Saturday, March 14, 2020

UPDATE: ***NOT*** Meeting as usual

The decision has been taken out of our well-washed and sanitized hands -- St Paul's has requested that groups not meet there for the next couple of weeks, so we will *NOT* be meeting on Friday nights until further notice.  We got the following e-mail from St Paul's:

I'm reaching out to all the groups at St. Paul's.  We're canceling worship services for the next two weeks and trying to shut the building down as much as possible.  Many of our usual groups have already canceled their meetings, and our church council has asked me to request that everyone stops meeting at the church for at least the next couple of weeks.  We're taking it one day at a time and will be reevaluating soon.  Thank you so much.
 Better safe than sorry.  Last night we only had 6 people, and danced without holding hands - the only touching was to pet Mollie (the dog; I've heard that dogs don't get coronavirus 🐶).

UPDATE: I received a reponse that said

About dogs...I understand that dogs and cats have both actually been detected with SARS-CoV-2 virus. Although they don't get the disease, they can still pass the virus on, especially if they lick you in the face.
Here's what the CDC website says:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html#animals
and the American Vetrinary Medical Association: https://

We will let you know when we can start up again.  Stay well, everyone!  #flattenthecurve

p.s. Happy Pi Day!

We've had some questions about whether we're going to continue meeting, given concerns about COVID-19.  We do plan to meet as usual as long as enough people are healthy and want to come, and as long as guidance from the CDC and local health departments doesn't change.   As of this morning (Mar 11, 2020), they were reporting only 19 cases in IL of which 2 were in Kane Co, none in Dupage as yet.

Please do not come if you aren't feeling well, may have been exposed, or are at risk due to age or other health conditions, or would just feel better playing it safe.  Since part of the recommended practice is to avoid shaking hands, it might be wise to dance individually, rather than holding hands...

We received the following from St Paul's:
To all groups meeting at St. Paul's United Church of Christ:

Our church council asked me to reach out to everyone who meets at St.
Paul's regarding COVID-19.  We will do everything possible to prevent
the spread of the virus in our building and we ask for your help should
you continue to meet here.  We have a cleaning service twice a week, but
they do not necessarily disinfect every surface that might be touched. 
We are trying to wipe down commonly touched surfaces like door handles
and stair railings every day.  We ask that when you meet at the church,
you please wipe down surfaces that you have used.  We have wipes and
Clorox spray on our kitchen counter and wipes in the large classroom and
in the preschool room on the lower level.

We are practicing the recommended practices of staying home when sick,
washing hands frequently for 20 seconds, coughing and sneezing into a
tissue (ideally) or the crook of your elbow, avoiding sick people, and
refraining from shaking hands, etc.

We want to protect you, your group members, and the members of St.
Paul's.  We truly appreciate your help.
 We'll bring hand sanitizer, and appreciate help wiping down handrails, etc.  Hopefully things will have settled down before Stone Soup April 18.

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