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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Day Folk Dance + Potluck - Friday Jan 1, 2010 1pm-6pm

Argonne International Folk Dance New Years Day Party
Date: Friday, Jan 1, 2010
Time: 1:00pm-6:00pm, potluck meal around 3:00pm
Place: St. Paul's UCC Fellowship Hall
Address: 5739 Dunham Rd., Downers Grove, IL, 60516
Requested Donation: $3 + Potluck dish to share
For more info: e-mail lindaandjay@comcast.net, or leave a comment below.
Click on image below for bookmark-size flyers.

Friday, December 25, 2009

World Music Wednesdays Return to The Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago in 2010

World Music Wednesdays Return to The Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago in 2010: "

World Music Wednesdays will take place every Wednesday from 8:30 to 10:30 PM at The Old Town School of Folk Music, 4544 N. Lincoln Avenue, Chicago. World Music Wednesdays is a free community series that explores the rich diversity that exists in the Chicago community and runs year round (47 Wednesdays). World Music Wednesdays will present music, dance and culture of Africa, Europe, Asia, The Middle East and The Americas."

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Not dancing Friday Nov. 27 nor Friday Dec. 25, 2009

We will not be meeting to dance in Downers Grove on the Friday after Thanksgiving (Nov. 27), nor on Xmas day (Friday Dec. 25).

According to the EDC schedule , it looks like EDC may be holding dance parties at the SPACE Academy Arts Center in Chicago on those two Fridays, and possibly on New Years Day, as well (the schedule has question marks at the moment, so be sure to check).

Since we're holding our annual New Years Day potluck on Friday Jan 1, 2010, in the afternoon, we won't be dancing that Friday night.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bulgarian Folk Music & Dance Seminar in Plovdiv, Bulgaria - Summer 2010 - immediately following the Koprivshtitsa Folk Festival

Bulgarian Folk Music & Dance Seminar in Plovdiv, Bulgaria - Summer 2010 - immediately following the Koprivshtitsa Folk Festival: "We are pleased to announce that the website for the 2010 Bulgarian
Music & Dance Seminar in Plovdiv, Bulgaria is now available
([link]). The website contains detailed
about the 2010 teachers, daily schedule and prices. (There is a small
bit of information about some teachers that will be added later.)"

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fermilab folk dance holiday schedule, Jan 28 Daniel Sandu workshop

Received from Mady


‘Tis the season, but given the way the holidays fall, we’re canceling international folk dancing at Fermilab for two weeks. There WILL be dancing this Thursday Dec. 17, but then we will NOT dance again until January 7, 2010.  (Scottish dancing continues without a break every Tuesday evening, and there will be English country dancing on Sunday, January 3.

There are lots of other opportunities to dance during the holidays – I’ll pass on Harry’s helpful list:

12/21 Evanston IFD "Out of the Woodwork" Solstice Holiday Party !
Lake Street Church of Evanston, 607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue

12/25 Ethnic Dance Chicago Party at the Latvian Center
8:00-12:00, 4146 N Elston Ave, Chicago www.ethnicdance.net

12/29 Milwaukee Folk Dancers Holiday Party with Live Music by Izvor
7:30-10:00, Hart Park, Wauwatosa WI www.gainesnet.com/milwauke.htm

12/31 Ethnic Dance Chicago New Year's Eve Potluck and Party
5:30 Dinner (reservations req'd), 8:00 Party, 4146 N Elston Ave, Chicago www.ethnicdance.net

12/31 Racine Folk Dancers New Year's Eve Party
8:00-1:00, DeKoven Center, Racine WI www.gainesnet.com/milwauke.htm

1/1 Argonne New Year's Day Potluck Feast and Dance
1:00-6:00, St Paul's Church, Downer's Grove argonneifd.blogspot.com

And please correct your calendars: Daniel Sandu will present a workshop at Fermilab international dancing on Thursday, January 28, AFTER his appearance at Folk Ball the previous weekend. We hope you can join us then.

Have a wonderful holiday and a New Year filled with good times and good dancing.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

EMNFD: 12/21 Out of the Woodwork

logo_edc-smaller  Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers
Call all your old folkdance friends!
Bring them back for the gala annual
"Out of the Woodwork
Solstice Holiday Party !
Monday December 21

bring festive treats to share

freewill donation to support the homeless shelter at the church

Lake Street Church of Evanston
607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue
enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue

Only $5.00
Other regional holiday folkdance events:
12/25 Ethnic Dance Chicago Party at the Latvian Center
8:00-12:00, 4146 N Elston Ave, Chicago www.ethnicdance.net
12/29 Milwaukee Folk Dancers Holiday Party with Live Music by Izvor
7:30-10:00, Hart Park, Wauwatosa WI www.gainesnet.com/milwauke.htm
12/31 Ethnic Dance Chicago New Year's Eve Potluck and Party
5:30 Dinner (reservations req'd), 8:00 Party, 4146 N Elston Ave, Chicago www.ethnicdance.net
12/31 Racine Folk Dancers New Year's Eve Party
8:00-1:00, DeKoven Center, Racine WI www.gainesnet.com/milwauke.htm
1/1 Argonne New Year's Day Potluck Feast and Dance
1:00-6:00, St Paul's Church, Downer's Grove argonneifd.blogspot.com

Find us on the Web at www.evanstonfolkdance.org
Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

Monday, December 7, 2009

Music Without Borders: Duzan Ensemble

Music Without Borders: Duzan Ensemble
The Duzan Ensemble is a Middle Eastern music ensemble that covers classical and folk music from all around the Middle East, Turkey, Persia, and the Balkans.

Dates: Dec 18, 2009
Hours: 12:15pm
Location: Chicago Cutural Center
78 E. Washington St., Randolph Cafe
Chicago, IL 60602
Admission: FREE

Friday, November 20, 2009

Muriel Anderson concert - Downers Grove Nov. 28

Muriel Anderson's 18th annual Hometown concert - Saturday, Nov. 28, 2009
With special guest Andy Wahlberg, award winning harp-guitarist/humorist from Florida.
Downers Grove North High School Auditorium 4436 Main St in Downers Grove at 8:00 pm.

Muriel2009AnnualConcertMed.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Here's a piece from her concert last year, in 13/8 time:

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dancing in State Street

Dancing in State Street: "Consider yourself invited to DanceNOWChicago's next guerrilla dance party. Time? 6:45 pm on Wednesday, November 18. Venue? The crosswalk between the southwest and southeast corners of State and Lake. The song? David Bowie and Mick Jagger's cover of 'Dancing in the Streets'. Visit DanceNOWChicago's blog for more details.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Folk Fair International 2009, International Institute Of Wisconsin

Folk Fair International 2009, International Institute Of Wisconsin
November 20 - 22, 2009
Wisconsin Exposition Center
at Wisconsin State Fair Park
8200 West Greenfield Avenue
West Allis, Wisconsin 53214
Friday: 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tom Bozigian Armenian Dance Workshop, Chicago, Nov 7-8, 2009

[ Thanks to Roo for forwarding this; unfortunately, the Saturday night session conflicts with the EMNFD Potluck Dinner & Dance ]

[NFO list] Tom Bozigian Armenian Dance Workshop
Sent By: "Tom Bozigian"
On: Oct 10/15/09 12:10 PM
To: nfo_list@topica.com

Tom Bozigian teaches an Armenian Dance Workshop sponsored by the Nairi
Choir of St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church, 6700 West
Diversey Avenue, Chicago, Il.

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Youth Dance Session (up to 18 years old)-3:00-5:30 p.m.
Adult Dance Session-7:00-10:00 pm

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Wrap-up Dance Session & Party-3:00-6:00 p.m.

Youth: $10 per session
Adults: $15 per session $20 for both adult sessions

For more information, please call:
(847)715-9402 or (773) 774-3269

Virsky Ukranian National Dance Company - Oct 24, Wheaton College

On October 24th, as part of the Artist Series at Wheaton College, the Virsky Ukranian National Dance Company will be performing at 8pm in Edman Chapel at Wheaton College.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cumbia Semana, other video & music links

Besides the dances that were officially taught at Oconomowoc, Delores brought one from Florida called "Cumbia Semana" - I found a video of the choreographer teaching it on YouTube - complete with written instructions:

Cumbia Semana - Ira Weisburd

Also found the music on Rhapsody (you might be able to find it on iTunes, too):
Fin de Semana - Fito Olivares

One of the dances that Jay taught was from Iliana Bozhanova - "Snoshti Minah, Kate" is on her CD IBLD #12

Edie mentioned that video of "Zensko Za Raka" is available on the Dunav website

Found video of a couple of the set dances on YouTube:
YouTube - 2009 Seligenstadt dance 5 Culla Bay
YouTube - Picking Up Sticks 

Here's a link to the Ricky Martin music video of Maria:
YouTube - Ricky Martin - María

And a link to the music on Rhapsody:
Maria - Ricky Martin

Here's a link to the Cupid Shuffle (done at the Friday night party) on Rhapsody:
Cupid Shuffle

Happy surfing!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

EMNFD: November Folkdance Potluck - Advance Notice

Received from Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers :

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers invite you
Saturday November 7,

Potluck Dinner and Dance
birthdays birthdays birthdays
Good company and international folk dancing

At our regular dance venue:
Lake Street Church of Evanston
607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue
enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue

Bring a dish to pass ... festive dress encouraged
Send playlist requests in advace

Only $5.00

Call or email Judy 847-748-8002 jss208@comcast.net
or Joan 847-564-2880 with questions or comments

Find us on the Web at www.evanstonfolkdance.org

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

Lado Croatian Ensemble,Oct 21, 2009, Harris Theater, Chicago


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fwd: New Years at Ashokan!

In a message dated 9/30/09 9:08:01 PM, office@ashokan.org writes:

Thurs, Dec 31, 2009 4pm to Sun, Jan 3, 2010 2pm.
Three nights of dancing and jamming...
plus daytime workshops in dance, fiddle, banjo, guitar, singing and more!

Can't make the whole event?
Join us New Years Eve for a festive dinner followed by contras & squares in one room and swing, Cajun & waltzes right next door.
Enjoy plentiful snacks & refreshments and dancing till the wee hours!

THE RED STICK RAMBLERS - Hot swing and Cajun music direct from Louisiana
GREAT BEAR TRIO - Cutting edge contradance music (New Years Eve only)
SUSAN KEVRA & JOHN KRUMM - Calling contras and squares for all
CINDY OVERSTREET & STEVE RYAN - Show you swing and Slow Blues moves and grooves
ESTHER BRILL - Cajun and Zydeco dance basics and more

Bed & Board We serve wholesome, delicious meals, and sumptuous late night snacks with beverages round the clock. Sleep in our heated bunkhouse (rooms hold 15-20, good showers), or check our Local Lodging page.

Cost $495 - incl. everything Thurs 4pm to Sun 2pm.
or $465 - if you're sleeping off-site.
(Children deduct $20 for each year under age 16.)

Apply by mail with a check, or by phone or online with a credit card.

A deposit of $150 per person reserves your spot at Winter Camp till Dec. 1 when the balance is due.

Cancelations - Cancelation fees per person are: $35 till Dec 1; $75 till Dec. 14; $100 till Dec. 30; $150 after Dec. 30.

New Years Eve Only options (no bunk)
Dance $25 - Thurs, 8pm-3am No reservation needed.
Dinner & dance $50 - Thurs, 5pm-3am Paid in advance only.

APPLY NOW http://www.ashokan.org/camp/

Sorry, no pets or alcohol.
For more information call 845-246-2121 or email us.

Generous Work Scholarships are available for those who would like to help us in the kitchen, or with setup and cleanup, etc. See our Work Scholarships page, call for details, or send $150 deposit with your work inquiry. Your deposit is fully refundable if you don't get the work you want.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Soirée Germain Hébert - Montreal, Quebec, Oct 31

Received from Roo:

In a message dated 9/29/09 1:17:35 PM, nannu@ifdo.ca writes:

From: Michel Landry
Sent: September-29-09 1:54 PM
Subject: Soirée Germain Hébert

Bonjour à vous,

Il y aura une soirée spéciale d'organisée, samedi le 31 octobre prochain, afin de célébrer les 50 années d'implication de Germain Hébert dans le domaine de la danse traditionnelle au Québec et à travers le monde.

Pour connaître les détails de cette soirée, consultez la page suivante:

La taille de la salle permet d'accepter un nombre limité de personnes; nous vous suggérons donc fortement de vous inscrire d'avance.

Au plaisir de vous y voir.

You are invited to an special evening for Germain Hébert  on Oct 31  in Montreal
For details / registration  please see

Michèle Brosseau,
Jocelyne Vaillancourt,
Yves Moreau,
Michel Landry.

ifdo-list mailing list

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mostar Sevdah Reunion to open World Music Festival; other upcoming events

Received from Balkanske Igre:

Dear Friends,

The exciting Chicago World Music Festival sponsored by the city's
Department of Cultural Affairs will present a number of exciting
bands playing Balkan and other Eastern European music.  Leading
off on opening night:

Friday, 9/18/2009, 8pm,
Mostar Sevdah Reunion featuring Iliza Delic' from Bosnia
Old Town School of Folk Music, 4544 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago.
$15 ($13 for Old Town School members).
Tel:  773-728-6000     oldtownschool.org <http://oldtownschool.org/>

Other musical offerings at the festival, 9/18-24/2009, include:
Parno Graszi (Rom band from Hungary)
Vlada Tomova & Balkan Tales (from Bulgaria/NYC)
Ottoman Mehter Military Band (from Turkey)
Sloboda (Serbian band from Milwaukee)
Fishtank Ensemble (from California)
Steve Gibbons Gypsy Rhythm Project (from Chicago)
Luminescent Orchrestrii (from NYC)
and many others...

For a full schedule of events, please visit:

Please forward to whoever may be interested - thanks!!

Other upcoming events including:

Tamburitza Extravanganza, 10/1-4/2009, Westin Lombard Yorktown Center,
Lombard, IL.  20+ bands. 70 Yorktown Center, Lombard, IL 60148.  Hotel
phone: (630) 719-8000, Fax: (630) 719-8079

Petar Ralchev & Ork. Kolorit, 10/16-17/2009, Restaurant Bulgaria, 4724 W
Lawrence, Chicago

LADO Croatian National Folk Ensemble, 10/21/2009, Harris Theater,
Chicago -  www.afoundation.org <http://www.afoundation.org/>

45th Anniversary Spring Festival, March 19-20, 2010, International
House, 1414 E 59th St, Chicago. Festival featuring the best in Balkan
and Eastern European dance, music, and culture in concert, parties,
workshops, and culture sessions, International House and the Center for
Eastern European and Russian/Eurasian Studies at the University of
Chicago and the Ensemble Balkanske Igre. For info about the Spring
Festival, Balkan Basics weekly dance class, Ensemble Balkanske Igre, or
any of the above events, please contact:

or Balkanske Igre, PO Box 1157, Chicago, IL 60690

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ethnic Dance Chicago - Sept 18-19 Fall Ball + other news

Received from EDC:

Ethnic Dance Chicago Newsletter
Fall Ball Party & Workshop / World Music Festival Kickoff + More
September 7, 2009

Ethnic Dance Chicago
Dancing As A Second Language

There are a lot of local and regional dance and music events happening this fall.  Please support and attend as many of these events as you can. 

The Chicagoland Fall Ball is this coming Friday and Saturday and the Chicago World Music Festival runs from Friday through Thursday.

The re-designed Ethnic Dance Chicago website (www.ethnicdance.net) was released on Labor Day.  The website's new design offers easier navigation, easier access to information and resources and many useful features in the Regional Event Calendar.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fermilab Folkdancing back to the barn starting Sept. 3

Received from Mady:

Happy September!
Hope you had a great summer and are enjoying the last few days of it.
Following our tradition, Fermilab international folk dancing is moving back to the Barn, starting this week, on September 3. We dance every Thursday from 7:30 to about 10 p.m., starting with newcomer- and kid-friendly dances, and progressing to more advanced material and requests.
Kuhn Village Barn is located on the east side of the Fermilab site (directions at http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkclub/barn.html ). You can enter the site from either gate by showing a photo ID. There’s no charge for dancing unless we hold special events, though we do have a donation can.
This weekend you can join some of Fermilab’s English country dancers at workshops at the Fox Valley Folk Festival at 4 p.m. Sunday and noon Monday, with live music by Old Fezziwig’s Band. The folk festival is held at Island Park in Geneva, and there’s lots going on. More info about that at www.fvfs.org.
Also, there’s a Labor Day street dance on Monday evening run by the Evanston international folk dancers at the Longden’s corner, at Wesley Ave. and Elinor Place in Evanston, 7 to 10 p.m, $2.
Hope you have a great weekend and to dance with you soon.

Chicago Tribune: Accordion article + photos


Taste of Polonia Sept. 4-7, 2009 Copernicus Center, Chicago


Sunday, August 30, 2009

EMNFD: Labor Day Street Dance

Received from Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers :

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers announce
September 7

Labor Day "Rain Dance"
NOT at Lake Street Church - YES at Mars and Sanna's corner:
Wesley Ave. and Elinor Place in beautiful Evanston

Lots of requests, some teaching, liquid refreshment,

snacks, recorded and live music, cats.

Wear shoes comfortable for dancing in the streets
Bring snacks to share, mosquito repellent,
and an umbrella
(to ensure it doesn't rain).

Hosts: Sanna & Mars Longden 847-328-7793

Only $2.00

Save the Date
Folk Dance November 7 - Saturday Night Potluck Party

6:00-10:30 p.m. at Lake Street Church

Find us on the Web at www.evanstonfolkdance.org
Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

Monday, August 17, 2009

EMNFD: August and September parties

Received from Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers :

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers announce
August 17
Celebrate August birthdays


Lake Street Church of Evanston - Lake St and Chicago Ave
enter from courtyard - 7:30-10:30pm
always $5
Save the Dates
birthdays September 7 - Labor Day "Rain Dance"
NOT at Lake Street Church
YES at Mars and Sanna's corner:
Wesley Ave. and Elinor Place in beautiful Evanston
Different time: 7:00-10:00pm
Party is on, rain or shine (indoors, if rain!)
Folk Dance November 7 - Saturday Night Potluck Party

More details later

Find us on the Web at www.evanstonfolkdance.org
Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Eau Claire International Folk Dancers fall (September 25-27) workshop

Received from Eau Claire International Folkdancers :

The combined workshop flyer and registration form for the Eau Claire International Folk Dancers 30th anniversary workshop this fall (September 25-27, 2009) is now available online at:
http://www.cs.uwec.edu/~wagnerpj/ecifd/ECIFDFallWorkshopFlyer.pdf .
We'll have three teachers - Lee Otterholt (Balkan), Yuli Yordanov (Bulgarian), and Hilde Otterholt (Hawaiian Hula), as well as live music on Friday with Reptile Palace Orchestra and on Saturday with Orkestar Bez Ime. We'll also have anniversary dessert tortes sometime during the Saturday night party.

If you're planning to attend, you should register no later than September 1st, both to save some money by getting early registration rates and to help us in knowing how many people will be coming. We do have limited space in the hall we're renting as well. You can download and print out the registration form separately at:
http://www.cs.uwec.edu/~wagnerpj/ecifd/ECIFDFallWorkshopRegForm.pdf .
and send that to me at the address listed on the form with your payment.

We are printing a 30th anniversary t-shirt, available in three styles (men's, women's, long-sleeve) and six colors (two for Men's, three for Women's, one for Longsleeve). Information on the t-shirt design, styles and sample graphics for the available colors is online at:
http://www.cs.uwec.edu/~wagnerpj/ecifd/workshop-tshirts.htm .

General information on the workshop is available at the main workshop web page:
http://www.cs.uwec.edu/~wagnerpj/ecifd/workshop.htm .

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Buffalo on the Danube dance/music camp, WV, September 4 – 7, 2009

Received from Roo:

Note Location in West Virginia.
A fun weekend. Join in!
In a message dated 7/16/09 4:50:46 PM, glen.echo@erols.com writes:

Early bird registration rate extended to Friday, July 17!

Please join us for the 15th annual
September 4 – 7, 2009
Timber Ridge Camp
Highview, WV

Buffalo on the Danube presents some of the finest bearers of folk music and dance traditions in a laid-back program emphasizing personalized teaching, and room for jam sessions and other serendipity. We offer dance, instrumental and singing workshops all day and great evening dance parties and concerts featuring live Balkan and Scandinavian music. Music workshop participants will have an opportunity to perform. The program starts with dinner on Friday and ends Monday afternoon. We welcome dancers and musicians of all levels, including beginners and families.

Situated on a beautiful property nestled in the heart of the Shenandoah Mountains, on the
banks of the Cacapon River, Timber Ridge Camp has a variety of comfortable housing options, a spacious, well-equipped dining hall and an attentive and friendly staff. The camp features two dance halls with wood floors, an Olympic- size swimming pool, canoeing on the river, tennis courts and lots more.

~dance workshops~

KOSTANA Turkish Romani

~live music~

VESELBA with special guests Bulgarian Music
Music & Ensemble

~singing and instrumental workshops~

BRUCE SAGAN Bulgarian Ensemble and Swedish Fiddle
LORETTA KELLEY Norwegian Fiddle &
Scandinavian Ensemble
JULIA BORLAND Swedish Singing
STOYAN KOSTOV Tambura Workshop
BRAD "SIDQI" SIDWELL Dumbek Workshop
CHRIS REITZ Kaval Workshop
VLADO MOLLOV Accordion Workshop

For registration and more info:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Don Weeda playing accordion music for dancing this week July 16-17

Don Weeda plans to join us this Friday, to play live accordion music for dancing.  We'll be in the smaller classroom this week, because the church has a performance going on in the Fellowship Hall.  Otherwise, the usual details apply.

Don will also be playing for dancing at Fermilab on Thursday, July 16. 

He has a wonderful repertoire of folk dance tunes for dancing, and we always enjoy his visits.  Hope to see you there.

Received from Mady:

Happy July!  One of Fermilab International Folk Dancing’s favorite summer treats will happen this year: Our favorite accordionist friend, Don Weeda, will be making a visit to provide live music for dancing this week, on Thursday, July 16, starting at 7:30 p.m.
We dance during the summer in the air-conditioning of Fermilab’s Ramsey Auditorium in the main high-rise building, Wilson Hall. Access is from the east or west gate – let me know if you need directions or parking information.
Hope to see you Thursday! and I hope you’re having a wonderful summer.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Chicago Summerdance 2009


Including (among many others):

Tükrös Hungarian Folk Ensemble (Chicago SummerDance)
Jun 25, 2009 | 312.742.4007 | Free Admission
The 13th annual Chicago SummerDance Series presents free Szatmari Dances from Hungary dance lessons by Ignac Kadar & Barbara Baranyai and live music by the Tükrös Hungarian Folk Ensemble, performing authentic Hungarian village music.

Steve Gibons Gypsy Rhythm Project (Chicago SummerDance)
Jul 30, 2009 | 312.742.4007 | Free Admission
The 13th annual Chicago SummerDance Series presents free Horas, Sirbas, Geamperalele, Rachenitzi and Chochechi dance lessons by Paul Collins of Ethnic Dance Chicago and live music by the Steve Gibons Gypsy Rhythm Project, which mixes a compelling, energetic concoction of music from Romania, the Balkans and the oriental gyps...

Orchestra Chalgija (Chicago SummerDance)
Aug 20, 2009 | 312.742.4007 | Free Admission
The 13th annual Chicago SummerDance Series presents free Oros, Horos, Kolos, and Čočeks dance lessons by John Kuo & Galia Miloucheva-Kuo of Balkanski Igri and live music by Orchestra Chalgija.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Argonne IFD not meeting Friday July 3

We took an informal poll last night at dancing, and decided to cancel our dancing on Friday, July 3, since it didn't look like anybody was strongly interested in coming that night, right before the holiday weekend. We will be dancing as usual on Friday June 26, Friday July 10, and onward, as far as we know now.

Lots of ethnic festivals going on - here are links to a few of them:
June 19-21 Milwaukee http://www.polishfest.org/
June 21 Geneva, IL http://www.swedishday.net/
June 22 Evanston, IL EMNFD Summer Solstice Party with live music - Jutta & the Hi-Dukes
June 24-27 http://chicagoarabesque.com/
July 8-12 – Door County Folk Festival

And here are some links to listen to music:
Incalcita (new Dance from June Camp)
Music: Folk Dances from Black Sea / Bulgarian, Georgian, Greek, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian Folk Dances - Rhapsody Online
Music: Bulgarian Folk Dances, Vol.1 - Rhapsody Online
Music: Bulgarian Folk Dances, Vol. 2 - Rhapsody Online
Music: Viata Este Ca Un Joc by Carmen Serban - Rhapsody Online