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 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Oconomowoc 2014 video clips - Joc Tiganesc de Doi

Updated 9/19/2017: videos also available in  youtube playlist:
Also, I started having trouble using realplayer to trim videos, but it turns out that it's even easier to do if you have a Windows 10 PC, just open the video in the "Photos" app, and there's a "Trim" button at the top right.

Sorry it took me a while to get these posted -- there's a limit on the file sizes that can be uploaded, and some of the video clips were too long and had to be trimmed and/or divided up into parts.  A handy free tool that can be used for that, by the way, is realplayer

For some reason, blogger seems to be having a lot of trouble uploading the videos after the first one, so I'm going to try doing a separate post for each one.

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