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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sad News: Allan Michaels

Received the following sad news from Joe M:

Long-time Argonne Folk Dancer, Allan Michaels died on December 24, 2012 in Seattle, Washington.  Allan and Phyllis, his wife, moved to Seattle after they both retired from ANL about 15 years ago.  Allan was a physicist in the Material Sciences Division at ANL;  Phyllis was a supervising administrative assistant.  According to their daughter, Robin Michaels, Allan fell in the shower, bumped his head in early December but did not stop taking the blood-thinning Cumadin prescribed for a slight stroke seven years ago.  A slow brain hemorrhage drove him into a coma from which he did not recover.

Allan and Phyllis were early and enthusiastic dancers with AFD when the club danced at the former ANL Recreation Center east of Cass Avenue.  They organized and rehearsed participants for many AFD performances for special events; and they seldom missed our Friday night dancing.  They continued dancing with groups in Seattle

They recently sold an 8,000-book collection of notable first editions before moving into an assisted living facility for seniors.

Allan's pursuit of his PhD was temporarily interrupted when he and Phyllis spent more than a year in a tuberculosis sanitarium in New York.  Allan worked for a U.S. military contractor in Toronto, Canada before joining the staff at Argonne.

Allan is survived by Phyllis, his wife; daughter, Robin Michaels and her daughter, Thorne. His son, David Michaels of Seattle, died from a heart attack in 2003.


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