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Sunday, February 17, 2013

More events around the Midwest Feb 22-24,2013

In addition to the Columbus weekend with Yves Moreau previously posted, and the Dalakopa webcast that Roo alerted us to,  Mady listed some other events happening in other cities that same weekend (Feb 22-24, 2013) in a recent e-mail:

http://www.stlouisfolkdance.org/workshop.html - Balkan Dance, Alex Marcovic, St. Louis
http://www.snopa.org/snopa2013Registrationflier.pdf - International Dance, Wilder Forest N. of Stillwater, MN
http://www.aactmad.org/ddw/ - Contra & English, Ann Arbor, MI Dawn Dance Weekend

Also, when I turned on the Midnight Special on WFMT last night, they were playing "Changerais-Tu?" by Talitha Mackenzie (which you would recognize as the music to which we dance An Dro Retournee) - and they mentioned that Talitha Mackenzie will be preforming at the Chicago Maritime Festival, Feb. 23, 2013, at the Chicago History Museum, 1601 N. Clark St, Chicago.

Looking for links for the above, I came across this costumed version of An Dro Retournee (same tune, but not Talitha Mackenzie's version): http://youtu.be/PG1wV1BD6mc

And for the musicians, here's the "abc" notation from which you can generate sheet music and midi sound: http://abcnotation.com/tunePage?a=trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/Intl/song/Changerais_tu_Fw/0000

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