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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lasmagi Djasmagi Kyucheck translation & youtube video

The second post on this blog when I started it back in 2007 was about Lasmagi Djasmagi Kyucheck which Susan had listened to over and over and phonetically transcribed.  It's still one of our favorites, and Roo had some friends in Ohio translate it - click on the scan below to enlarge it.  Also found this music video for it on youtube:

EMNFD: Mon 3/28 Ahmet Luleci, Sat 4/30 Orkestar Sloboda



Folk Dance Party Saturday April 30th 6:30-10 PM with live music by ORKESTAR SLOBODA

Mori Cupi Kosturcanki - the tune Tom was remembering

Update: Turns out there's more than one dance to this music, and Tom meant this other one:

Found it!

Also found this description:

And this dance video:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Balkanske Igre Spring Festival Mar 25-27, 2011 U of Chgo

46th Spring Festival
March 25-27, 2011
International House, 1414 E 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
Dance and Music of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean including workshops, concerts, parties and culture sessions

Details here:
Chicago Dance Ensemble Balkanske Igre - Home- News and Announcements

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fermilab Folk Dance Special Events e-mail

Received from Mady:


Happy March! 
Happy St. David’s Day (the Welsh holiday)!  
Chestite Baba Marta (the Bulgarian holiday)!
Happy International Women’s Day!
Happy Mardi Gras!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

We’re holding a Mardi Gras Potluck at Fermilab international folk dancing this Thursday, March 3, in conjunction with the NALWO (Fermilab Women’s Organization). Bring a dish of food to share and come to Kuhn Village Barn around 5:30 p.m. to eat, then stay for dancing. All ages are welcome. We’ll supply beverages and tableware. Costumes and masks for the holiday are also welcome, and encouraged.

And don’t miss a few Irish dances at our usual meeting on March 17th.

Fermilab Internatioanl Folk Dancing is also holding another very special event this month: a workshop with Ahmet Lüleci, a world-renowned teacher of Turkish dance, on Thursday, March 24, 7:30 p.m. at the Barn.
For this workshop we suggest a donation of $8 for adults, $4 for students. Ahmet will have CDs and DVDs for sale.

Ahmet will also be teaching at the Balkanske Igre Spring Festival in Chicago --along with Atanas Kolarovski (Macedonian) and Ventzi Sotirov, Bulgarian – Friday – Sunday, March 25 – 27 (details at www.balkanskeigre.org/), and also at the Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers on March 28 (www.evanstonfolkdance.org).

Also coming up in March:
March 18 – 20, Urbana’s Marchfest dance weekend, with contra, English and international dance www.centralillinoisecd.org/weekend
Scottish Ball in Madison, WI, March 19
Regency Exhibition Ball in South Bend, IN, March 26
Civil War Ball in Milwaukee, March 5
But those are for my other lists.  This message is going to my “international folk dance list”.  Let me know if you need more information.

Happy dancing, and here’s to March holidays!