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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WBEZ Radio M 9/24/2010 - Mahala Rai Banda, World Music Festival

Radio M 9/24/2010
The show broadcasts live from Chicago's Martyr's as part of World Music Festival Chicago 2010. You'll most likely be tapping your feet if not up dancing to the Romani sounds of Mahal Rai Banda.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fermilab international folk dancing upcoming events + others

Received from Mady:
Subject : Fermilab international folk dancing upcoming events -- and others

Hi and Happy September!
With the cooler weather we’re back in the Barn – most of the time, unless Fermilab has a special event and we have to use Ramsey Auditorium. That will happen next week, Thursday, September 23 – come to the auditorium that day.

For tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 16, we will be in the Barn and I am planning a special session to remember the wonderful teaching and dances of our old friend, Dennis Boxell, who passed away last week.  I was very sorry to hear of this, and remember with great fondness the workshops of his which I experienced, most recently, his visits to us at Fermilab in April 2005 and November 2006. We’ll focus tomorrow on remembering some of those Balkan dances (and hopefully doing them with the correct style, which he would have appreciated so much!)

After the week of Sept. 23 at the Auditorium, we’ll return to the Barn for the foreseeable remainder of the fall.

On Thursday, Sept. 30, we will have an evening of French (and Quebecois and Breton) dances for some special guests from the Alliance Française of Du Page County. Please come and help us show these newcomers what fun we have.

In the meantime, with Chicago’s World Music Festival coming up, there are some opportunities not to be missed:

On Monday, Sept. 20, the Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers will host the Kabile Bitov Ensemble from Bulgaria for a special Bulgarian Dance Party. They dance from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. the Lake Street Church of Evanston, 607 Lake Street, Evanston, IL (NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue – enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue). Cost is just $5. More info at http://www.evanstonfolkdance.org/
Save the evening of Saturday, November 13, for EMNFD’s 3rd Annual Regional Potluck Dinner and Dance, at the same location.

For further interesting ethnic music possibilities, go to http://worldmusicfestivalchicago.org

Also, Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion are teaching a workshop weekend  on Romanian dance at Tapestry in the Twin Cities (Minnesota), the weekend of October 22 – 24. I’m intending to drive up there for that. Please let me know if you’re interested in going. There are details in a flyer you can pick up from me, or I can send. (I haven’t been able to find it at tapestry.org.)

Hope to see you tomorrow, Monday, or soon!!

Cheers (and L’Shana Tova if you’re celebrating the holidays)

EMNFD: 9/20 Kabile Bitov Ensemble + other events

logo_edc-smaller  Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers
September 20 - Autumnal Equinox
Bulgarian Dance Party with
Kabile Bitov Ensemble

Lake Street Church of Evanston
607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue
enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue

Only $5.00
Save the date:

11/13 Regional Pot-Luck
Dinner and Dance

hosted by EMNFD
Other regional folkdance events
9/24-26 Oconomowoc Folk Dance Weekend
10/2 Fico Picnic Dance Party

details available on Monday nights

Think Global - Dance Local!
Find us on the Web at www.evanstonfolkdance.org
Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church