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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tamburitza Extravaganza at the Jovial Club-- Saturday, April 4th, 2009

Forwarded by Nikola:
> DATE: APRIL 4TH, 2009
> TIME: 5:00 PM -- ???
> (773) 375-1203
> That's right folks! There will be a TAMBURITZA EXTRAVAGANZA
> consisting of several tamburitza bands playing at the Jovial Club
> Restaurant and Lounge on Saturday,
April 4th, 2009 beginning at 5:00 PM.
> The Jovial Club is located at 9615 South Commercial Avenue in Chicago,
> Illinois. Great food and spirits will be available for this fun-filled event!!!!
> It is anticipated that up to 6 different tambura bands will be performing this night.
> Arrangements are being finalized at present.
> Beautiful melodies and lively kolos from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and from
> the surrounding South Central European countries will be played by these great
> tamburashi for the enjoyment of all. So, please mark your calendars and plan
> on coming to the Jovial Club on April 4th. It's a great way to catch up with old friends,
> as well as make new ones!
> Please join us for an evening of fantastic music, great food and good drink!!
> For additional information, please call Helen or Carolyn Spelich at the
> Jovial Club at (773) 375-1203.
> Hope to see you there,
> Ed Sambol
> Zivio !!

June Camp registration fliers now available

Received from Mady:
I’m writing to you as a folk dance leader or encourager in your community to let you know that the registration fliers for June Camp are now available. This year’s workshop weekend will be held June 4 – 7, 2009 (note that we’re starting on Thursday night this year!), and will feature Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion teaching Romanian dances, and also include appearances by Jaap Leegwater (Bulgarian) and Steve Weintraub (Yiddish).
A more general announcement will go out soon, but I wanted to give you a heads-up that you can pick up a few paper copies of the registration flier with all the details at the Balkanske Igre Spring Festival in Chicago if you will be there this weekend, or at the Traditional Dance and Music Weekend in Urbana….OR you can download the flier from the new June Camp website at http://junecampifd.googlepages.com/ and make a few copies to distribute.
We would be very pleased if you would announce June Camp to your dance groups and friends and help us get the word out!
Thank you, have a great time this weekend, and hope to see you at June Camp (if not sooner).
for the June Camp 2009 Committee

Friday, March 13, 2009

Upcoming workshop dates at Fermilab IFD and elsewhere

Received from Mady:

Happy Friday the 13th (one of my favorite dates).
I’m sending a reminder about the upcoming workshop at Fermilab international folk dancing next Thursday, as well as advance notice of another *two* workshop evenings planned for this spring at Fermilab as well as upcoming weekends. There’s lots going on!
This coming Thursday, March 19, we’re pleased to have Nina Kavardjikova back at Fermilab for a workshop on Bulgarian dance. (She was here in 1995 and taught such dances as Filek and Svornato). We’ll start at 7:30 p.m., at Kuhn Village Barn as usual. For a workshop we request a donation of $8 adult, $4 student, but you can give what you wish – the main thing is, please come! There’s more info about Nina at http://www.phantomranch.net/folkdanc/teachers/kavardjikova_n.htm
We are also looking forward to a workshop on dances of Greece with Joe Kaloyanides Graziosi, on Thursday, April 30, at Kuhn Village Barn at Fermilab. You can read more about him at http://www.phantomranch.net/folkdanc/teachers/graziosi_j.htm.
And on Thursday, May 14, please join us for a workshop with Chicago’s own multi-talented dance expert, John Parrish (before he moves to Detroit). He’ll teach some French dances, but given his wide knowledge, we’ll be glad to see what else might come up! At the Barn, as usual, 7:30 p.m.
And a heads up that Fermilab International Folk Dancing will be cancelled on Thursday, June 4. We’ve decided to begin June Camp with a dance party Thursday evening and some extra activities Friday. So, if you can, think about coming to Beloit College to catch that great weekend with Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion, now Thursday June 4 to Sunday, June 7 (but you can come for only part of it, if necessary). The registration fliers will be ready very soon with full details. Please let me know if you want to be added to the list for further June Camp announcements or check out the June Camp website later this week. You’ll find a link to it on the Fermilab IFD website, which is at  http://www.fnal.gov/orgs/folkdance/.
Aside from Fermilab’s schedule, there are other workshops to mention. You can catch Nina Kavardjikova this coming Monday night, March 16, at the Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers, and next weekend, March 20-22, at the Chicago Spring Festival. The detailed schedule for the spring festival – which also features Ahmet Luleci (Turkish), Atanas Kolarovski (Macedonian) and Sani Rifati (Rom), as well as lots of great live music -  is now available. Check with John Kuo for more info, at  balkanske_igre@yahoo.com , or let me know and I can email you the schedule.  Ahmet will also give a workshop Monday March 23 at the Evanston group.
Also next weekend, March 20-22 is a festival of Traditional Dance and Music in Champaign-Urbana, with Chicago dance teachers Tom Senior (English and Contra) and Roo Lester (Scandinavian). More info on that at www.prairienet.org/ciecd/weekend.html
Hope you have a fine St. Patrick’s Day and a great entry into spring, with lots of good dancing!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

EMNFD: Two teachers 3/16 & 3/23 (Nina K & Ahmet L)

Received from Harry:

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers announce
two outstanding teachers
Monday, March 16
Nina Kavardjikova teaches Bulgarian Folkdances
Monday, March 23
Ahmet Lüleci teaches Turkish Folkdances

7:30 – 10:30 p.m. every Monday at
Lake Street Church of Evanston – Lake St and Chicago Ave
enter from courtyard through arch
$5 for each evening
Nina and Ahmet will also be teaching at the
Balkanske Igre Spring Festival March 20-22
International House, Univ. of Chicago
Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

Monday, March 9, 2009

Chicago: Balkanske Igre Spring Festival, March 20-22, 2009

Received from John:

Subject: Chicago: Spring Festival, March 20-22, 2009 - info & discount
registration reminder
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 23:59:40 -0800 (PST)
From: balkanske igre <balkanske_igre@yahoo.com>
To: balkanske_igre@yahoo.com

Dear Friends,

Summary of information

44rd Anniversary Spring Festival
March 20-22, 2009
International House, 1414 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637

Balkan, Eestern European, and Eastern Mediterrean Dance and Music
Workshops, Concert, and Dance Parties with the best live music

Concert: Saturday, 3/21/2009, 7pm, with Ljupco Milenkovski, Chris
Bajmakovich, Angel Dobrev, Goce Delchev, Wici, Balkanske Igre, & others

Dance Parties:
Friday, 3/20/2009, 8pm, Jim Stoyanoff & Chalgija Orchestra

Saturday, 3/21/2009, 8:30pm, Ljupco Milenkovski Orchestra
Chris Bajmakovic & Muzika4U
and others

Sunday, 3/22/2009, 6:30pm as part of the post-festival
celebration. Sunday evening dinner/dance party
location tba.

Friday, 3/20//09, 8pm
Saturday & Sunday, 3/21-22/09, 9am-5pm, featuring:

Nina Kavardjikova, Bulgarian dance
Atanas Kolarovski, Macedonian dance
Ahmet Lüleci, Turkish dance
Šani Rifati, Rrom (people formerly called"Gypsy") dance, music, and culture
James Stoyanoff & friends, clarinet (old-time and chalgija Macedonian,
Greek, and Turkish)
Ljupčo Milenkovski & orchestra, Macedonian kaval, gajda, and more
Chris Bajmakavich, accordion and Macedonian songs
and much more including culture sessions,

Saturday, 3/21/2009, 6pm dinner (reservations required), concert, dance
with Ljupco Milenkovski Orchestra, Chris Bajmakovich

I-House residential rooms may be booked for festival participants:
773-753-2270 (front desk)

For more information or to request a flyer:

Balkanske Igre, PO Box 1157, Chicago, IL 60690

Program subject to change

Registration form:
Please complete and return to Balkanske Igre, PO Box 1157, Chicago, IL
60690. Make checks payable to "Balkanske Igre".
Register early for substantial savings

Student FDCC General
Seniors /MPO

Weekend by 2/1/2009 ___$100 ___$110 ___$120
Weekend by 3/1/2009 ___$110 ___$120 ___$130
Weekend pass after 3/1/09 ___$120 ___$130 ___$140
Sat dinner+concert+party ___$ 25 ___$ 30 ___$ 40
Sat dinner with weekend pass ___$15
Syllabus ___$10
Post-festdinner/dance party (location tba) ___$25

Note: Weekend pass does not include Saturday evening dinner,
syllabus, or Sunday post-festival dinner

for a total of $__________________




Home Phone_____________________ Other Phone_____________________

E-mail Address______________________________________________________


Hope to see you in Chicago in March!

