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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday best wishes and upcoming folk dance events

Received from Mady - in addition to her addition to Harry's list of folk dances meeting this week, note that we'll be dancing at Argonne Friday, Dec. 28, in addition to the New Years Day party


I thought I'd pass on the message from Evanston Monday Night Dancing below, listing upcoming area events this next week, and add that we'll meet for International Folk Dancing at Fermilab as usual, on Thursday,Dec. 27, 7:30 p.m at Fermilab's Barn. No charge as always.

I also wanted to give you advance notice that

Lee Otterholt

will give a workshop at Fermilab

on Balkan and Norwegian dances

Thursday, Jan. 24, 7:30 p.m.

Kuhn Barn in Fermilab's Village

Sauk Blvd, off of Batavia Road, near Rt. 59 in Warrenville


Best wishes for a merry celebrations at this festive season,
and for a New Year full of good times and great dancing,



Here is Harry Solomon's helpful list, with Fermilab IFD added :

Evanston Monday Night Dancing

not meeting December 24 or 31

Dancing resumes January 7

Wednesday, December 26

Skokie Folkdancing with Dit Olshan

Weber Fitness Center, Church St. at Gross Point, Skokie

8:00 to 10:15 PM - $5

Thursday, December 27

Fermilab International Folk Dancing

Kuhn Barn in Fermilab's Village, near Warrenville

7:30 – 10:30 p.m. no charge

Friday, December 28

Ethnic Dance Chicago with Paul Collins

Portage Park Arts Center, 3914 N Menard, Chicago

8:00 to 12:00 PM - $5

Friday, December 28

Milwaukee Holiday Party with Pranza Flasa Orchestra

Hart Park, 7300 West Chestnut, Wauwatosa, WI

7:30 to 10:30 PM - $5

Monday, December 31

Racine "Scarves & Shawls" New Years Eve Party

Dekoven Center , 600 21st Street, Racine, WI

8 PM to 1 AM - $7

Tuesday, January 1

Argonne "Dance in the New Year" Pot Luck

St. Paul's UCC, 5739 Dunham Rd, Downers Grove, IL

1 to 6 PM – Dish to share (otherwise free!)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Madison Folk Ball - Jan 25-27, 2008

E-mail from Michael attached below; Here's a link to the Folk Ball website, for later reference (currently, it comes up mostly for 2007, but it does give the dates for 2008).

Warmest Wishes and Greetings of the Season to you and all the dancefolk thereabouts! I've just finished clearing paths of show and ice for the third or fourth time in short sequence, though I understand the Chicago area has been struggling with even more serious challenges. It is starting to look a lot like Christmas...

My apologies for being even further behind than usual this year in festival planning and preparation. Here is what's ready for publication at the moment:

Live music dance parties in Great Hall both Friday (8:00-midnight) and Saturday (7:30-1:00am);
Friday night contra in Tripp Commons 7:30-11:00.
Survivors Party Sunday night at the Crossing (1127 University Ave.) 8:00-11:00.
The Featured Teacher Creatures will be Lee Otterholt and Sani Rifati, other instructors TBA.
Performing groups will include Viata Romaneasca of Milwaukee; other performing groups TBA.
Dance bands will include Yid Vicious (Madison), Maritza (Iowa), Reptile Palace Orchestra (Madison), Izvor (Milwaukee), Cajun Strangers (Madison); hopefully Sloboda (Milw.) and Orkestar Bez Ime (Twin Cities), others as well.
Tri Bratovchedki will offer a singing workshop, probably in collaboration with others.

Sincere thanks for your help in spreading the word on Folk Ball!
Your comrade,

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Jan'08 - Moiseyev in Chicago, Le Mystere in Milwaukee

Symphony Center Presents Moiseyev Russian Dance Company
Tuesday January 29, 2008, 8:00 p.m.
Symphony Center

(Note: the next link plays sound clips as soon as you click on it, so be careful)
Le Mystere Des Voix Bulgares
(The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices)
Fri., Jan. 18, 2008
The Pabst Theater
144 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, WI 53202

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Urbana English + American (+ more) Dance Weekend Mar 14-16 , 2008

Received image of flyer from Jenifer, see below. Info will also be available at

Sue Van Wassenhove Publishes Everglades Book of Poetry

Sue & Joe VW used to dance with us at Argonne & Fermilab in the late '80s and early '90s, and have been back to visit once in a while since then. Here's a link to an article about Sue's new book of poetry and photos of gorgeous quilts representing creatures and plantlife she saw in the Everglades. The book will be available in Feb '08, and is available for pre-order, according to the Borders/Amazon website .

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mathematics of Square Dancing - Chgo Tribune Dec10'07

This article in the Chicago Tribune
is about a class at North Central College in Naperville, called the Mathematics of Square Dancing. There's also this video on the Trib website. Short quote from the article:

"It's math in motion -- you're walking through mathematics and would have no idea you're working with concepts that most college math majors don't study until their fourth year," says math professor David Schmitz, describing square dancing as "solving a Rubik's Cube."

St. Louis Olde Christmas Ball - Sat., Jan 5th, 2008

The St. Louis English Country Dancers will present their annual Olde Christmas Ball on Saturday, January 5th, 2008, at the Focal Point Arts Center, 2720 S. Sutton Blvd. in Maplewood, an inner-ring suburb of St. Louis. The ball will take place from 7:30 - 10:30 pm; fancy dress (YOUR definition) admired but not required.
Click here for more info.

Friday, December 7, 2007

EMNFD: 12/17 Out of the Woodwork Party

Received from Harry:

Call all your old folkdance friends!

Bring them back for the gala Evanston Monday Night

Out of the Woodwork
oliday Party !

Monday, December 17

Lake Street Church of Evanston – Lake St and Chicago Ave
enter from courtyard – 7:30-10:30pm

always $5

bring festive treats to share

freewill donation to support the homeless shelter at the church


December 24 and 31 - no dancing

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

English country Christmas Ball, 12/15, Urbana, IL

The Central Illinois English Country Dancers
Present An


The Central Illinois English Country Dancers will be holding their
thirteenth annual Christmas Ball on Saturday, December 15, 2007. The
dance will be held in room 314 of the Illini Student Union, 1401 W.
Green, Urbana, IL, on the campus of the University of Illinois.

Click here for more info

Saturday, December 1, 2007

A new reason not to dance "Car Wash"

Here are some links to the news story that a couple of people were talking about at dancing last night:

Syracuse Post-Standard story, which begins:

Nightmare at the dentist’s office

Friday, November 02, 2007
By Sue Weibezahl Porter
Staff writer

A dentist at Syracuse Community Health Center, dancing to the song “Car Wash” while he was extracting a patient’s tooth, lost the inch-long drill bit, which punctured her sinus cavity and came to rest by her eye socket, according to her lawsuit.

WCBS video and WCBS print story