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Friday, December 31, 2021

ISGS Quarterly: Shall We Dance?

Those of you whose hobbies include genealogy as well as dancing, as well as those of you who enjoy doing the Grand March at Oconomowoc Fall Folk Dance Camp, will be interested in the cover story in the Winter 2021 Quarterly Journal of the Illinois State Genealogical Society.


"...Shall We Dance?" [is] a deeply researched piece by Laura Marshall Kovarik. Kovarik uses a stunning collection of dance cards saved in a shirt collar box by her Chicago ancestor, to paint a portrait of a workingman’s social life in the late nineteenth century."

Here's the beginning of a paragraph about the Grand March: 

"All of the events began with the Grand March.  This was also called the polonaise.  In an 1852 guide, the Grand March was cited as the way to begin a well-organized dance.  A guest of honor would lead the dance..."

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