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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Milwaukee Holiday Folk Fair Nov 20-22


State Fair Park Exposition Center
Friday, November 20 - Sunday, November 22
$10.00: in advance
$12.00: at the gate
$10.00: Senior Citizens (62+ with ID) at the gate

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Broom Hilda cartoon: Everybody Polka!


Argonne IFD: Friday Halloween Eve: Snacks & Costumes

Since Friday, Oct 30, is the day before Halloween, we plan to bring snacks and wear costumes at our usual Friday night dancing in Downers Grove.  Hope you can join us (come ahead, even if you don't feel like snacks and costumes, and just want to dance -- that will be the main activity!)

Received from Harry:

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers
Saturday October 24
Regional Potluck Folkdance Party
good friends, good food, good dancing 
hosted by EMNFD  
6:00 set up     6:30 early dances
6:50 dinner
7:30-10:30 dancing
$5 + dish to share 

At our regular dance venue
Lake Street Church of Evanston*
607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue
enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue

Oak Park folk dancers 35th bday party Wed Nov 18, 2015

Received from Edie:

Oak Park Folkdancers
35th birthday party
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Bring a snack to share
Snacks at 8:30
Request dancing 7:30 - 10:30
 515 Franklin River Forest, IL

EDC "Sock Hop" Sat Nov 7 at SPACE, Chicago

Received from Paul:

Special EDC Saturday Nite Sock Hop: SPACE Center: Nov 7
Sock Hop Details  available at: www.ethnicdance.net/sockhop

• You won’t be required to remove your shoes at this dance!

• You’ll enjoy tunes form the past, present and future as your friendly
disc jockey, “DJ-LUAP” will spin music for dancing from various eras and
from sources that include computer, smart phone, tape and even vinyl

• “DJ-LUAP” will also be there to help you recall some of the line
dances, individual dances, partner dances, rock ‘n’ roll dances, swing
dances, and mixers that you may have had fun doing long ago, or not so
long ago!

Monday, October 12, 2015

English Ceilidh workshop - Fermilab Thurs Oct 15

Received from Mady:

Fermilab international folk dancing will host Bruce Hamilton and several Midwest English dance callers for a workshop on English ceilidh and other fun set dancing, this Thursday, October 15, at Kuhn Barn at Fermilab, 7:30 p.m. (no charge, but donations accepted.) Dancers can benefit from the knowledge and talents of callers who are visiting for an advanced callers' workshop that is taking place prior to the Harvest Moon Dance Weekend, with music by the nation's most famous English dance band, Bare Necessities, which will be held this weekend, Oct 16 - 18, at locations in St. Charles on Friday and Saturday, and in Oak Park on Sunday. There is still room at that weekend for advance online registration or for at the door admission ($25 for evening/Sunday afternoon dances, $20 for Saturday workshops with Jacqueline Schwab). Dancing participants are expected to have some knowledge of basic English country dance moves. More information about times, location, prices, as well as dance instructions are on the website at ChicagolandECD.org.

In addition, Peter Barnes of Bare Necessities will add his (enormous and varied) musical talents to the Barn dance on Monday evening, October 19, 7 - 9:40 p.m. at the Irish American Heritage Center, 4646 North Knox Ave, Chicago. The rest of the band includes Steve Rosen and Edward Wallace and the caller is Jo Mortland. They start a lesson at 6:45 p.m. Cost is $7 for adults, $5 for seniors and students.