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2025 Still Zooming

 We will continue to meet on Zoom for folk dancing on Friday evenings, 8pm-10pm. Contact lindaandjay@comcast.net for Zoom meeting info.  P...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Upcoming Chicago-area Balkan events

Received from Balkanske Igri:
Dear Friends,  

Lots of great Balkan music and dance events coming up.  Below is a partial list.  If you have questions about any of the events, please contact balkanske_igre@yahoo.com  

Guca 1st Trumpet (Prva Truba) winner Bozidar Nikolic-"Donja" Brass Band 8/26-6pm to midnight, 8/27-noon to 10pm, 8/28-noon to 9pm St Simeon, 114th & Avenue H, Chicago.  Also, Milos Djordjevic, Grupa "Trezor", Nocna Smena, - DJ Manijak, DJ Spaz, Nesa Kastelo, Dragan Negovanovic.  Kitchen will be serving roast lamb and pork. --------------------------------------------------------------
SummerDance, 9/8/2011, 6-10:30pm, Spirit of Music Gardens, 601 S Michigan Ave, Chicago.  FREE. Dance instruction by Balkanski igri; music by Grupa Legenda (Macedonian).  Info:  balkanske_igre@yahoo.com

Rajko Hungarian Orchestra, September 11, 2011, Old Town School, Chgo
celebrating 200th Anniversary of composer Franz (Ferenc) Liszt
SummerDance/World Music Festival, 9/17/2011, 6-10:30pm, Spirit of Music Gardens, 601 S Michigan Ave, Chicago.  FREE. Dance instruction by Balkanski igri/Ethnic Dance Chgo; music by Bulgarika with Nikolay Kolev 

World Music Festival,  ESMA REDZEPOVA (Queen of Romani Music) & BAND, September 18, 2011, also Nicolae Feraru, cimbalom virtuoso, Lincoln & Fullerton, Chicago.  

Info:  balkanske_igre@yahoo.com

SUNDAYS, 1-3pm, Balkan Basics Dance Class & Ensemble Balkanski Igri rehearsal      sessions resuming 9/25/2011 Dance Center of Chicago, 3868 N Lincoln, 2nd Flr, Chicago, IL, featuring dances & music of all regions of the Balkans/E Europe      
***   No partners or experience needed   ***      
***  All levels from beginner to expert welcome  
***  For more intormation about the above or Balkan/world music and dance in general, please contact:  balkanske_igre@yahoo.com         www.balkanskiigri.com

Balkan Orthodox Festival, October 8-9. 2011, St Mary Romanian Church -------------------------------------------------------------
Goran Bregovic, October 14, 2011, Symphony Center, Chicago, IL -------------------------------------------------------------
Teodosii Spassov, October 25, 2011, Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago
SPRING FESTIVAL, March 23-25, 2012  
International House, 1414 E 59th St, Chicago, I L 60637 (Hyde Park)

featuring the dance, music, & culture of the Balkans/Eastern Europe  Dance parties every evening with the best Balkan orchestras Concert Saturday evening with 10+ Balkan/E European dance and musical groups Workshops in dance, singing, and music Saturday & Sunday, 9am-5pm with top master teachers in Balkan/E European & Turkish dance. music, & songs including Martin Koenig, Atanas Kolarovski, Ahmet Luleci, Ventzi Sotriov, Chris Bajmakovich, Ljupco Milenkovski, James Stoyanoff, and others 

Info/Reservations: balkanske_igre@yahoo.com    
Balkanske Igre, PO Box 1157, Chicago, IL 60690        
www.balkanskiigri.com  Cosponsored by CEERES, Univ. oF Chicago International House, and Ensemble Balkanski Igri  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Roo's Scandi classes resume Sept. 25

Roo plans to resume her Sunday evening Scandinavian dance classes

SUNDAYS September 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23, November 6, 13, 20 December 2011 and Winter 2012 tba. . .
Basics/Beginners 6:00 ~ 7:00 PM Intermediate 7:15 ~ 8:30 PM
Fee per class $6.00 Social dance and practice time following classes
Location: Classes will be held at St. Luke Presbyterian Church3910 Highland Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515

Saturday, August 20, 2011

World Music Festival Chicago 2011, Sept. 15-22

Here's the link:

The schedule isn't up yet, they say it will be by early Sept.

Fox Valley Folk Music Festival, Sept 4-5, Geneva, IL

The 35th Annual Fox Valley Folk Music and Storytelling Festival
September 4 and 5, 2011
At Island Park, Geneva, IL

Festival Hours: -- Eight Stages Run From 11 AM to 6 PM Both Days.
Old-Time Community Barn Dance Sunday, 6-7:30pm

Oconomowoc Folk Dance Camp Sept 23-25,2011

Fall Dance Camp in Oconomowoc, sponsored by Lake Geneva Folk Dancers
Where: Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI) in Oconomowoc, WI
When: Sept. 23-25, 2011
Cost: $160/person if paid in full by Sept. 2 ($175 after September 2)
Registration form below, click on image to enlarge

Monday, August 1, 2011

Serbfest 2011

Serb Fest Chicago
Aug 4-7
Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
5701 Redwood Drive, Chicago, IL 60631,
773 -693-3367,
e-mail: contact@serbiancathedral.org
Serbfest 2011