Friday, February 12, 2010

June Camp, Beloit College, June 3-6, features Macedonian and French dance teachers

Received from Mady :


As you watch the snow that you’re likely experiencing, it’s a good time to think about different weather and good times. Mark your calendars now for June Camp, one of the Midwest’s most fun dance workshop weekends: Thursday through Sunday, June 3 to 6, 2010.  And you can look forward to our featured dance teachers: Kete Ilievski, teaching dances of Macedonia, and Marilyn (Wathen) Smith, teaching dances of France.

It will be an exciting weekend, again at comfortable Beloit College with its air-conditioned dorms and wonderful food. We’re starting early again, to give one more evening of request parties, and more time for Dance Exchange workshop and possibly review by our featured teachers. There will be a live music dance party Saturday evening, following our classic Happy Hour. We intend to have music jamming sessions, the traditional Saturday ice cream social, and late-night dancing.

And we hope to keep the prices the same as last year, with scholarship help available for those who need it.

The website is at .  Registration fliers will be out by mid-March and will be downloadable there, or can be mailed to you if you contact us at,

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