Monday, October 5, 2009

EMNFD: November Folkdance Potluck - Advance Notice

Received from Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers :

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers invite you
Saturday November 7,

Potluck Dinner and Dance
birthdays birthdays birthdays
Good company and international folk dancing

At our regular dance venue:
Lake Street Church of Evanston
607 Lake Street - NW corner of Lake Street and Chicago Avenue
enter through courtyard arched entry on Chicago Avenue

Bring a dish to pass ... festive dress encouraged
Send playlist requests in advace

Only $5.00

Call or email Judy 847-748-8002
or Joan 847-564-2880 with questions or comments

Find us on the Web at

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

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