Monday, July 13, 2009

Don Weeda playing accordion music for dancing this week July 16-17

Don Weeda plans to join us this Friday, to play live accordion music for dancing.  We'll be in the smaller classroom this week, because the church has a performance going on in the Fellowship Hall.  Otherwise, the usual details apply.

Don will also be playing for dancing at Fermilab on Thursday, July 16. 

He has a wonderful repertoire of folk dance tunes for dancing, and we always enjoy his visits.  Hope to see you there.

Received from Mady:

Happy July!  One of Fermilab International Folk Dancing’s favorite summer treats will happen this year: Our favorite accordionist friend, Don Weeda, will be making a visit to provide live music for dancing this week, on Thursday, July 16, starting at 7:30 p.m.
We dance during the summer in the air-conditioning of Fermilab’s Ramsey Auditorium in the main high-rise building, Wilson Hall. Access is from the east or west gate – let me know if you need directions or parking information.
Hope to see you Thursday! and I hope you’re having a wonderful summer.

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