Tuesday, May 19, 2009

EMNFD: May Day and upcoming folkdance events

Received from Harry:

Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers announce

Monday, April 27

Almost May Day Party

Dance around the May Pole
to the music of Mars’ magic accordion!

Lake Street Church of Evanston – Lake St and Chicago Ave
enter from courtyard – 7:30-10:30pm - always $5
Also coming up:
May 4 – Greek dance workshop
with Joe Graziosi
[Flag of Greece]
May 18 – celebrate May birthdays
May 25 Memorial Day – yes we are dancing!
June 4-7 - June Folkdance Camp at Beloit College
with Sonia Dion and Cristian Florescu
Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancers is not affiliated with Lake Street Church

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