Sunday, March 22, 2009

June Camp registration fliers now available

Received from Mady:
I’m writing to you as a folk dance leader or encourager in your community to let you know that the registration fliers for June Camp are now available. This year’s workshop weekend will be held June 4 – 7, 2009 (note that we’re starting on Thursday night this year!), and will feature Cristian Florescu and Sonia Dion teaching Romanian dances, and also include appearances by Jaap Leegwater (Bulgarian) and Steve Weintraub (Yiddish).
A more general announcement will go out soon, but I wanted to give you a heads-up that you can pick up a few paper copies of the registration flier with all the details at the Balkanske Igre Spring Festival in Chicago if you will be there this weekend, or at the Traditional Dance and Music Weekend in Urbana….OR you can download the flier from the new June Camp website at and make a few copies to distribute.
We would be very pleased if you would announce June Camp to your dance groups and friends and help us get the word out!
Thank you, have a great time this weekend, and hope to see you at June Camp (if not sooner).
for the June Camp 2009 Committee

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