Monday, December 15, 2008

Ingvar Sodal's birthday celebration in Boulder, CO Feb 19-21, 2009

Received from Roo:

The Village Arts Coalition is planning a major birthday
weekend for Ingvar Sodal, whom many of you know, in Boulder, Colorado
the weekend of February 19 - 21, 2009 and you are all cordially

We are celebrating not only Ingvar's 75th birthday, but also his many
years of dedicated leadership in the efforts of the Village Arts
Coalition, his 40 years of masterful Scandinavian Dance teaching
across the country -- and his love of skiing.

Here is the link to information on the Village Arts Coalition website:


On the VAC home page scroll down through the Special Events to our
flyer. Clicking on the 'Additional Information' link will take you to a
detailed schedule for the weekend.

We will try to find housing for out-of-town guests with local skiers
and dancers. Please send an email to Melba at the address provided on
the VAC website to let us know you are coming by January 5, 2009 so
that we can make ski reservations and find housing for as many as

Let's celebrate together!

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