Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fermilab folk dance news

Received from Mady:


After last week's heat in the Barn, we're very glad to be moving to the air-conditioning (and smoother floor) of Ramsey Auditorium in Wilson Hall (Fermilab's high rise), starting tonight, June 12. We'll be dancing there most weeks this summer, though at least one cancellation is planned (see below). If in doubt, call to check before coming.

Next Thursday evening, June 19, my old friend Steve Weintraub is teaching Yiddish dance to the live music of the Maxwell Street Band on Chicago's SummerDance stage. I want to go, and I hope you'll forgive me for cancelling dancing at Fermilab and encouraging everyone to make a "field trip" downtown to enjoy that. For more

info on that go to:

I'll hope to have a list out of some other fun stuff going on next weekend early next week. Stay tuned, stay cool, and hope to see you at dancing somewhere soon.



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