Sunday, December 16, 2007

Madison Folk Ball - Jan 25-27, 2008

E-mail from Michael attached below; Here's a link to the Folk Ball website, for later reference (currently, it comes up mostly for 2007, but it does give the dates for 2008).

Warmest Wishes and Greetings of the Season to you and all the dancefolk thereabouts! I've just finished clearing paths of show and ice for the third or fourth time in short sequence, though I understand the Chicago area has been struggling with even more serious challenges. It is starting to look a lot like Christmas...

My apologies for being even further behind than usual this year in festival planning and preparation. Here is what's ready for publication at the moment:

Live music dance parties in Great Hall both Friday (8:00-midnight) and Saturday (7:30-1:00am);
Friday night contra in Tripp Commons 7:30-11:00.
Survivors Party Sunday night at the Crossing (1127 University Ave.) 8:00-11:00.
The Featured Teacher Creatures will be Lee Otterholt and Sani Rifati, other instructors TBA.
Performing groups will include Viata Romaneasca of Milwaukee; other performing groups TBA.
Dance bands will include Yid Vicious (Madison), Maritza (Iowa), Reptile Palace Orchestra (Madison), Izvor (Milwaukee), Cajun Strangers (Madison); hopefully Sloboda (Milw.) and Orkestar Bez Ime (Twin Cities), others as well.
Tri Bratovchedki will offer a singing workshop, probably in collaboration with others.

Sincere thanks for your help in spreading the word on Folk Ball!
Your comrade,

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