Monday, September 17, 2007

Back from Oconomowoc, see you Friday in Downers Grove

Updated 9/19/2017 - removed broken photobucket links, replaced with youtube playlist.
We're back from Oconomowoc, where a good time was had by all. We picked up several nice dances, and will be reviewing them this Friday & in the coming weeks. I took some video clips, and have uploaded them to my free account - I'm going to try to link them here, we'll see how it goes (haven't tried doing video on the blog before).

Saturday morning, Dit, Edie & Jay taught 2 dances apiece (see list in photo), and in the afternoon they each taught one "pattern"-type dance (Dit & Edie taught Scottish set dances, "Robertson's Rant" and "Dundee Whaler", and Jay taught an Alsatian couple mixer "La Salamandre".

Here goes with the video - note that I only take short clips, mostly from behind the line, just for reminders of the pattern (simpler and more accurate than taking notes) - these aren't videos of the teaching or the whole dance start-to-finish:

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