Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sad news: Marge Mayer

We were very sorry to hear from Joe that Marge Mayer had passed away Aug 25, 2017, at age 96.  Marge was a longtime Argonne folk dancer.  We had been thinking of Marge just recently when doing New York, New York, which was her favorite dance.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Sad news: Aldona Baranauskas

We were saddened to hear of the passing of Aldona Baranauskas yesterday.  Aldona danced at Argonne for many years.  Roo forwarded the information from Aldona's daughter Marija.  Marija says that there will not be any service, since Aldona specifically didn't want one.  She hopes everyone just takes a moment to remember her joy of dance and maybe something nice about her.  I recall that she really liked to do T'Filati, and Shoofni.   But if Hole In The Wall came on, or if the music was playing too loudly, she would leave immediately.  She used to bring Kugelis (Lithuanian potato pudding) to our pot lucks, always delicious.  Our sympathy to Marija and the rest of her family.

Update: https://www.foxrivercremations.com/obituaries/Aldona-V-Baranauskas?obId=8107350

Monday, October 7, 2019

Oconomowoc 2019 video clips

Below is aYoutube playlist of dances taught this past weekend and reviewed Sunday morning.  To see the whole list, click on the icon & text ("1/10..."), you should then be able to scroll down the list and click on whichever particular dance you're interested in.  Or if that doesn't work: hit play, and either sit through all of them in order, or click the ">>" next video icon.

(These are just short clips to remind you of the patterns, not complete teaches).

Friday, October 4, 2019

Not meeting Fri Oct 4, 2019 - Oconomowoc camp

We will not be meeting for Friday night dancing in Downers Grove on Friday, Oct 4, 2019, because many of us will be attending the Oconomowoc Fall Folk Dance Camp 
Hope to see you there, or on subsequent Fridays when we should have some new dances to share.