Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tonight Show: "Dancing for Busy People", Ding Dong Daddy

Unfortunately, this book was in a Tonight Show segment called "Do Not Read", but I think we actually did do the dance that they demo from it (Ding Dong Daddy) some years ago, Roo showed it to us, I think.  I couldn't make the embedded video start at the place of interest, which is about 3min8sec into the video, so here's a direct link to start there if you don't want to see the whole bit (you may have to view an ad first, no way around that):

See also, for demo of dance with music:
 And here are a few more links related to the music, the full title of which is "I'm a Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas":[]=ding%20dong%20daddy

Larry Hooper - Ding Dong Daddy from Dumas (Larry Hooper performs "Ding Dong Daddy" on the Lawrence Welk Show)

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Univ of Chicago Folk Festival Feb 9-10, 2018

The 2018 University of Chicago Folk Festival includes a number of dance events, held at Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 E. 59th St., Chicago, IL 60637:

58th Annual University of Chicago Folk Festival- February 8-10

Scandinavian Dance Workshop with Mary Allsopp & Friends Saturday, 10:30-12:00, Cloister Club (1st Floor, Ida Noyes Hall), Roo will be teaching
Waltzes, More Waltzes and English Country Dance with Putting On Aires and Tom Senior Saturday, 10:30-12:30, 3rd Floor Theater, Ida Noyes Hall
Cajun Dance with T'Monde Saturday, Noon-2:30, Cloister Club (1st Floor)
Morris Dancing with Pullman Morris Saturday, 12:30-1:30, Third Floor Theater
Old-Time Barn Dance with Bucking Mules (Saturday) and Heather and Dan (Sunday) Saturday 3:00-5:00 and Sunday 2:30-4:30, Cloister Club (1st Floor)
Irish Social Dance Sunday Noon-2:00, Cloister Club (1st Floor)

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year's Day 2018 Photos & Play List

Thanks to all who came to the New Year's Day party & made it a success!  In particular thanks to Jean, Carey & Richard who took the photos below, and Susan who herded everybody together for the picture taking.  Below the photos is the playlist that Jay saved on the computer, which several people were interested in.

Play List: Monday, Jan 1, 2018
Lesnoto - NAMA Medley
Denjovo Horo
Ais Giorgis
Balada La Ma'ayan
Ma Navu
Strumicka Petorka
Passu Torrau
Arap - Zajko Kokorajko
Divcibarsko Kolo
Gori More
Gavotte d'Honneur
Get Back to the Country
Primavera en Salonico
Kirmizi Biber
Siriysko Horo
Tou Paradeisou Lemonia
Tzadik Katamar
Shto Mi E Milo
For A Birthday
Selsko Shopsko
Shumarsko Horo
Flora's Waltz
La Gigue a Ti-Me
Drapers Gardens
Bou Nashir L'Eretz Yafa
Kulska Sira
Lisu 7 Step - China
Megdansko Horo
Raz Vivaj Dobro
Tesko Velesko
Tarina de la Abrud
Horehronsky Czardas
Zumpa Ondo
Kosa Moja
New York New York
Galyam, galyam
Cije e Ona Mome
Boalisko - Toshko Live
Koga Me Mama Rodila

Sonia & Cristian: Folkball, Fermilab, Evanston, Jan 18-22, 2018

Sonia Dion & Cristian Florescu will be the featured teachers at the Madison Folk Ball:
January 19th – 21st, 2018
Memorial Union
800 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706

On the way there, they will also be doing a workshop at Fermilab International Folk Dancing Thursday Jan 18, 2018:

Thursday, January 18, 2018
7:30 p.m.
Fermilab’s Kuhn Village Barn
Suggested Donation $10 adults / $5 Students

And on the way back, they'll be at Evanston Monday Night Folk Dancing on Monday Jan 22, 2018: