Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Neighborhoods of the World, Navy Pier, Sundays Feb 17 - Apr 7, 2013

Neighborhoods of the World
Sundays, February 17 – April 7, 2013
12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Navy Pier's Crystal Gardens
Chicago, IL
Free Admission, All Ages

Feb 24: Chinese Fine Arts Society
Mar 3: Celebrate Mexico
Mar 10: Celebrate Lithuanian Independence
Mar 17: Amazing India
Mar 24: Phillipine Fest
Mar 31: Africa in Chicago
Apr 7: Greek Journey

Sunday, February 17, 2013

More events around the Midwest Feb 22-24,2013

In addition to the Columbus weekend with Yves Moreau previously posted, and the Dalakopa webcast that Roo alerted us to,  Mady listed some other events happening in other cities that same weekend (Feb 22-24, 2013) in a recent e-mail:

http://www.stlouisfolkdance.org/workshop.html - Balkan Dance, Alex Marcovic, St. Louis
http://www.snopa.org/snopa2013Registrationflier.pdf - International Dance, Wilder Forest N. of Stillwater, MN
http://www.aactmad.org/ddw/ - Contra & English, Ann Arbor, MI Dawn Dance Weekend

Also, when I turned on the Midnight Special on WFMT last night, they were playing "Changerais-Tu?" by Talitha Mackenzie (which you would recognize as the music to which we dance An Dro Retournee) - and they mentioned that Talitha Mackenzie will be preforming at the Chicago Maritime Festival, Feb. 23, 2013, at the Chicago History Museum, 1601 N. Clark St, Chicago.

Looking for links for the above, I came across this costumed version of An Dro Retournee (same tune, but not Talitha Mackenzie's version): http://youtu.be/PG1wV1BD6mc

And for the musicians, here's the "abc" notation from which you can generate sheet music and midi sound: http://abcnotation.com/tunePage?a=trillian.mit.edu/~jc/music/abc/Intl/song/Changerais_tu_Fw/0000

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Warrenville Open Line Dances

Here's a link to Janet Kruse's page with the schedule of open line dances at the Warrenville Community Building -- next one is Feb. 16:


We've done a few of the dances we picked up there on Friday nights, and that's where Jay picked up "Men In Black" that he brought to Oconomowoc last year.

Save The Date: Saturday May 11, 2013 - Stone Soup

We've reserved St. Paul's UCC Fellowship Hall for our Stone Soup Party for Saturday, May 11, 2013.  More details will be posted later.

Balkanske Igre Spring Festival Mar 22-24 Univ of Chgo

Doesn't look like they've updated their website with the 2013 details yet (as of Feb 9), but here are some links you can check later, and a scan of the paper flyer.  Click on the flyer image to view it in a new frame/window if you want to print it.


Marchfest, Irish Ceili Dancing, March 8-9 Urbana, IL

The Illini Folk Dance Society in conjunction with the Central Illinois English Country Dancers, and the Urbana Country Dancers will be holding a weekend of traditional dance and music in Urbana, IL
The weekend will feature a Friday evening contra dance, Irish dance workshops during the day Saturday and a Saturday evening Irish Ceili Dance.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fermilab: Intro to English Dance, Sun. Feb. 10

Received from Mady:

If you get a chance, could you also let folks know that there's a special introduction to English country dancing this Sunday, Feb. 10, 2 to 5 p.m. at Fermilab's Kuhn Village Barn. Tammy and I will be teaching the basics, and encourage newcomers to try it out, and dancers to bring their friends.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

U of C Folk Festival Feb 8-10, 2013

Looks like there are quite a few dance workshops on the schedule at the U. of C. Folk Festival, including the following, all on Saturday in Ida Noyes Hall:

The Gentle Art of Morris Dancing
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM  

Scandinavian Dance Workshop with Mary Allsopp & Friends
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Irish Social Dance
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
English Country Dance
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Cajun Lesson and Dance
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Dance of the Seven Veils: Myth, Mayhem and More
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

And on Sunday:
Bhangra! with Shamila Khetarpal
4:00 PM-5:00 PM 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sad News: Allan Michaels

Received the following sad news from Joe M:

Long-time Argonne Folk Dancer, Allan Michaels died on December 24, 2012 in Seattle, Washington.  Allan and Phyllis, his wife, moved to Seattle after they both retired from ANL about 15 years ago.  Allan was a physicist in the Material Sciences Division at ANL;  Phyllis was a supervising administrative assistant.  According to their daughter, Robin Michaels, Allan fell in the shower, bumped his head in early December but did not stop taking the blood-thinning Cumadin prescribed for a slight stroke seven years ago.  A slow brain hemorrhage drove him into a coma from which he did not recover.

Allan and Phyllis were early and enthusiastic dancers with AFD when the club danced at the former ANL Recreation Center east of Cass Avenue.  They organized and rehearsed participants for many AFD performances for special events; and they seldom missed our Friday night dancing.  They continued dancing with groups in Seattle

They recently sold an 8,000-book collection of notable first editions before moving into an assisted living facility for seniors.

Allan's pursuit of his PhD was temporarily interrupted when he and Phyllis spent more than a year in a tuberculosis sanitarium in New York.  Allan worked for a U.S. military contractor in Toronto, Canada before joining the staff at Argonne.

Allan is survived by Phyllis, his wife; daughter, Robin Michaels and her daughter, Thorne. His son, David Michaels of Seattle, died from a heart attack in 2003.


Stuff found while web-surfing...

PRI's "The World" - Global Hit - Nolwenn Leroy; at the end, she sings a song you may recognize as the tune to which we dance "Le Laride". Turns out the name of the tune is "Tri Martolod"
Here's the youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTuBnZrLbq0
and here are the lyrics with a translation: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/tri-martolod-three-sailors.html 
The version we're used to is the one recorded by Alan Stivell  in the 1970s.

On another subject, here's an interesting version of Skudrinka (check out the shoes!):

And here's a a youtube page with lots of Bulgarian dance videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/BulgFolk/videos

And today's "Agnes" cartoon is about Line Dancing

And finally, this last one isn't exactly dance-related, but it does involve a guy in a kilt with sporran, and might be amusing to the Scottish-dancing physicists: